1. Any person who is a member in good standing of the Missouri Coroners’ and Medical Examiners’ Association, after payment of an emblem-use authorization fee to the Missouri Coroners’ and Medical Examiners’ Association, may apply for coroners’ office license plates for any motor vehicle the person owns, either solely or jointly, other than an apportioned motor vehicle or a commercial motor vehicle licensed in excess of twenty-four thousand pounds gross weight. The Missouri Coroners’ and Medical Examiners’ Association hereby authorizes the use of its official emblem to be affixed on multiyear license plates as provided in this section.

2. Upon annual application and payment of a twenty-five dollar emblem-use contribution to the Missouri Coroners’ and Medical Examiners’ Association, the Missouri Coroners’ and Medical Examiners’ Association shall issue to a member, without further charge, an emblem-use authorization statement which shall be presented by the member to the department of revenue at the time of registration of a motor vehicle. Any contribution to the Missouri Coroners’ and Medical Examiners’ Association derived from this section, except reasonable administrative costs, shall be used for the purpose of promoting and supporting the objectives of the Missouri Coroners’ and Medical Examiners’ Association.

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Terms Used In Missouri Laws 301.3089

  • Commercial motor vehicle: a motor vehicle designed or regularly used for carrying freight and merchandise, or more than eight passengers but not including vanpools or shuttle buses. See Missouri Laws 301.010
  • director of revenue: the director of the department of revenue. See Missouri Laws 301.010
  • Gross weight: the weight of vehicle and/or vehicle combination without load, plus the weight of any load thereon. See Missouri Laws 301.010
  • Motor vehicle: any self-propelled vehicle not operated exclusively upon tracks, except farm tractors and electric bicycles. See Missouri Laws 301.010
  • person: may extend and be applied to bodies politic and corporate, and to partnerships and other unincorporated associations. See Missouri Laws 1.020
  • Vehicle: any mechanical device on wheels, designed primarily for use, or used, on highways, except motorized bicycles, electric bicycles, vehicles propelled or drawn by horses or human power, or vehicles used exclusively on fixed rails or tracks, or cotton trailers or motorized wheelchairs operated by handicapped persons. See Missouri Laws 301.010

3. Upon presentation of the annual statement, payment of a fifteen dollar fee in addition to the regular registration fees and presentation of documents required by law, the department of revenue shall issue a license plate to the member, which shall bear the emblem of the Missouri Coroners’ and Medical Examiners’ Association, the six-point star which is the universally recognized symbol for law enforcement, and the words “CORONERS’ OFFICE” in place of the words “SHOW-ME STATE”. The director of revenue shall annually set aside personalized license plates bearing each member’s designated number to be issued to each member of the Missouri Coroners’ and Medical Examiners’ Association who meets all requirements established by this section. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 301.144, no additional fee shall be charged for the personalization of license plates issued pursuant to this section. The license plate authorized by this section shall use a process to ensure that the emblem shall be displayed upon the license plate in the clearest and most attractive manner possible. Such license plates shall be made with fully reflective material with a common color scheme and design and shall be aesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section 301.130.

4. License plates issued pursuant to this section shall be held by the appropriate member of the Missouri Coroners’ and Medical Examiners’ Association only while such person remains a member in good standing of the Missouri Coroners’ and Medical Examiners’ Association. Within fifteen days of the loss of member-in-good-standing status, the member shall surrender the license plates issued pursuant to this section to the director of revenue, who shall make them available to the succeeding member of the Missouri Coroners’ and Medical Examiners’ Association.