1. The duties of the director shall include, but not be limited to:

(1) The supervision and direction of the activities of the department’s employees;

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Terms Used In Missouri Laws 301.557

  • Complaint: A written statement by the plaintiff stating the wrongs allegedly committed by the defendant.
  • director of revenue: the director of the department of revenue. See Missouri Laws 301.010
  • Motor vehicle: any self-propelled vehicle not operated exclusively upon tracks, except farm tractors and electric bicycles. See Missouri Laws 301.010
  • Vehicle: any mechanical device on wheels, designed primarily for use, or used, on highways, except motorized bicycles, electric bicycles, vehicles propelled or drawn by horses or human power, or vehicles used exclusively on fixed rails or tracks, or cotton trailers or motorized wheelchairs operated by handicapped persons. See Missouri Laws 301.010

(2) Keeping custody of the department’s official seal and affixing of this seal to all licenses and orders issued by the department pursuant to sections 301.550 to 301.580;

(3) The receipt and prompt disposition of all correspondence or inquiries directed to the department;

(4) Maintaining a record of total number of annual new motor vehicle sales by individual franchise dealers and a separate record of total annual used motor vehicle sales by individual motor vehicle dealers from the director of revenue. These records will be available for public inspection;

(5) Being the custodian of the files and records of the department;

(6) The performance of any other duty required in the enforcement of sections 301.550 to 301.580.

2. The director shall receive complaints concerning its licensee’s business or professional practices. The complaints shall be logged into record, the record shall include at a minimum, the licensee’s name, the name of the complaining party, if given, the date of the complaint and a brief statement of the complaint and its ultimate disposition. Notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, such complaint shall be kept in confidence by the director until such time as formal proceedings are filed with the director, or the director disposes of the complaint in accordance with section 301.562; provided that upon inquiry from a licensee against whom a complaint has been received, the director shall acknowledge to the licensee that a complaint has been made. The licensee shall have access to all complaints and information contained therein.