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Terms Used In Missouri Laws 393.430

  • following: when used by way of reference to any section of the statutes, mean the section next preceding or next following that in which the reference is made, unless some other section is expressly designated in the reference. See Missouri Laws 1.020

Subject to the limitations and provisions provided in sections 393.410 to 393.510, any gas storage company may acquire by condemnation land or interests in land, necessary or convenient to its operations as a gas storage company, including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following operations, to wit: Such operations, including the drilling of test holes or wells, as may be necessary or convenient to determine the suitability of a geological stratum or strata, formation or formations for the underground storage of gas (and for this purpose temporary licenses may be acquired by condemnation hereunder); the laying, operation and maintenance of pipes and pipelines necessary or convenient for the transportation of gas to the place of underground storage from the source of such gas; the preparation, establishment, maintenance, utilization and operation of the underground storage reservoir for the underground storage of gas and the injection of gas into such underground storage reservoir and the withdrawal thereof therefrom; the laying, operation and maintenance of pipes and pipelines necessary or convenient for the transportation of gas from the place of underground storage to any other place; the installation, operation and maintenance of any and all facilities and equipment necessary or convenient in connection with any of the foregoing operations. Any gas storage company desiring to acquire by condemnation land or any interest therein, or a temporary license pursuant to this section, may to that end proceed as provided by, and subject to, the provisions of chapter 523, the provisions of which chapter are hereby made applicable in such case, but subject, further, to the limitations and provisions provided in sections 393.410 to 393.510.