1. Upon the petition of at least ten percent of voters at the last general election of any county having heretofore adopted township organization, praying therefor, the county commission shall submit the question of the abolition of township organization to the voters of the county at a general or special election. The question shall include a countywide tax levy for road and bridge purposes. The total vote for governor at the last general election before the filing of the petition where a governor was elected shall be used to determine the number of voters necessary to sign the petition. If the petition is filed six months or more prior to a general election, the proposition shall be submitted at a special election to be ordered by the county commission within sixty days after the petition is filed; if the petition is filed less than six months before a general election, then the proposition shall be submitted at the general election next succeeding the filing of the petition. The election shall be conducted, the vote canvassed and the result declared in the same manner as provided by law in respect to elections of county officers. The clerk of the county commission shall give notice that a proposition for the abolition of township organization form of county government in the county is to be voted upon by causing a copy of the order of the county commission authorizing such election to be published at least once each week for three successive weeks, the last insertion to be not more than one week prior to the election, in some newspaper published in the county where the election is to be held, if there is a newspaper published in the county and, if not, by posting printed or written handbills in at least two public places in each election precinct in the county at least twenty-one days prior to the date of election. The clerk of the county commission shall provide the ballot which shall be printed and in substantially the following form:

(Check the one for which you wish to vote)
Shall township organization form of county government be abolished in _________ County and a countywide _________ tax at a rate of _________ collected for road and bridge purposes?

If a majority of the electors voting upon the proposition shall vote for the abolition thereof the township organization form of county government shall be declared to have been abolished; and township organization shall cease in said county; and except as provided in section 65.620 all laws in force in relation to counties not having township organization shall immediately take effect and be in force in such county.

2. No election or any proposal for either the adoption of township organization or for the abolition of township organization in any county shall be held within two years after an election is held under this section.

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Terms Used In Missouri Laws 65.610

  • following: when used by way of reference to any section of the statutes, mean the section next preceding or next following that in which the reference is made, unless some other section is expressly designated in the reference. See Missouri Laws 1.020
  • General election: means the election required to be held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November, biennially. See Missouri Laws 1.020
  • Heretofore: means any time previous to the day when the statute containing it takes effect. See Missouri Laws 1.020