(1) Maintaining or operating a crematory in violation of the Cremation of Human Remains Act or any rules and regulations of the department adopted and promulgated under the act is a public nuisance and may be abated as a nuisance as provided by law.

Attorney's Note

Under the Nebraska Statutes, punishments for crimes depend on the classification. In the case of this section:
Class III misdemeanorup to 3 monthsup to $500
For details, see Neb. Rev. Stat. § 28-106

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(2) It is a Class III misdemeanor to (a) establish, operate, or maintain a crematory subject to the Cremation of Human Remains Act without being licensed as a crematory authority under the act, (b) hold oneself out to the public as a crematory authority without being licensed under the act, or (c) perform a cremation without a cremation authorization form signed by the authorizing agent and a completed permit for transit or cremation as provided by the department or a cremation permit.

(3) Signing a cremation authorization form with actual knowledge that the form contains false, incorrect, or misleading information is a Class III misdemeanor.

(4) A violation of any other provision of the Cremation of Human Remains Act is a Class III misdemeanor.