The county assessor or county clerk shall correct the assessment and tax rolls after action of the county board of equalization or final order of an applicable administrative body or court. Each correction shall be made in triplicate, each set of triplicate forms being consecutively numbered, and there shall be entered upon such form all data pertaining to the assessment which is to be corrected. The correction shall show all additions and reductions, the amount of tax added or reduced, with the reason therefor, and the page or pages of the tax rolls upon which such change is to be made. The original copy shall be delivered to the county treasurer, the duplicate copy to the county clerk, and the triplicate copy shall remain in the office of the county assessor. The county assessor or county clerk shall provide upon demand a listing showing each entry and sorted by tax year. The county treasurer shall thereupon correct the tax roll to conform to the correction copy and all changes shall be made in red ink, drawing a line through the original or erroneous figures, but not erasing the same. No county assessor shall reduce or increase the valuation of any property, real or personal, without the approval of the county board of equalization or an applicable administrative body or court, as provided for in this section. Any county assessor who shall willfully reduce or increase the valuation of any property, without the approval of the county board of equalization or an applicable administrative body or court, as provided in this section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars.

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Terms Used In Nebraska Statutes 77-1613.02

  • Action: shall include any proceeding in any court of this state. See Nebraska Statutes 49-801
  • Assessment: means the act of listing the description of all real property and taxable tangible personal property, determining its taxability, determining its taxable value, and placing it on the assessment roll. See Nebraska Statutes 77-126
  • Conviction: A judgement of guilt against a criminal defendant.
  • County assessor: includes an elected or appointed county assessor or a county clerk who is an ex officio county assessor. See Nebraska Statutes 77-115
  • Year: shall mean calendar year. See Nebraska Statutes 49-801