(1) All political subdivisions, other than (a) school districts, community colleges, natural resources districts, educational service units, cities, villages, counties, municipal counties, rural and suburban fire protection districts that have levy authority pursuant to subsection (10) of section 77-3442, and sanitary and improvement districts and (b) political subdivisions subject to municipal allocation under subsection (2) of this section, may levy taxes as authorized by law which are authorized by the county board of the county or the council of a municipal county in which the greatest portion of the valuation is located, which are counted in the county or municipal county levy limit provided in section 77-3442, and which do not collectively total more than fifteen cents per one hundred dollars of taxable valuation on any parcel or item of taxable property for all governments for which allocations are made by the municipality, county, or municipal county, except that such limitation shall not apply to property tax levies for preexisting lease-purchase contracts approved prior to July 1, 1998, for bonded indebtedness approved according to law and secured by a levy on property, and for payments by a public airport to retire interest-free loans from the Division of Aeronautics of the Department of Transportation in lieu of bonded indebtedness at a lower cost to the public airport. The county board or council shall review and approve or disapprove the levy request of all political subdivisions subject to this subsection. The county board or council may approve all or a portion of the levy request and may approve a levy request that would allow the requesting political subdivision to levy a tax at a levy greater than that permitted by law. Unless a transit authority elects to convert to a regional metropolitan transit authority in accordance with the Regional Metropolitan Transit Authority Act, and for each fiscal year of such a transit authority until the first fiscal year commencing after the effective date of such conversion, the county board of a county or the council of a municipal county which contains a transit authority established pursuant to the Transit Authority Law shall allocate no less than three cents per one hundred dollars of taxable property within the city or municipal county subject to the levy to the transit authority if requested by such authority. For any political subdivision subject to this subsection that receives taxes from more than one county or municipal county, the levy shall be allocated only by the county or municipal county in which the greatest portion of the valuation is located. The county board of equalization shall certify all levies by October 20 to insure that the taxes levied by political subdivisions subject to this subsection do not exceed the allowable limit for any parcel or item of taxable property. The levy allocated by the county or municipal county may be exceeded as provided in section 77-3444.

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Terms Used In Nebraska Statutes 77-3443

  • Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
  • Parcel: means a contiguous tract of land determined by its boundaries, under the same ownership, and in the same tax district and section. See Nebraska Statutes 77-132
  • Taxable property: shall mean any real or tangible personal property subject to tax pursuant to law and not exempt from tax. See Nebraska Statutes 77-121
  • Year: shall mean calendar year. See Nebraska Statutes 49-801

(2) All city airport authorities established under the Cities Airport Authorities Act, community redevelopment authorities established under the Community Development Law, transit authorities established under the Transit Authority Law unless and until the first fiscal year commencing after the effective date of any conversion by such a transit authority into a regional metropolitan transit authority pursuant to the Regional Metropolitan Transit Authority Act, and offstreet parking districts established under the Offstreet Parking District Act may be allocated property taxes as authorized by law which are authorized by the city, village, or municipal county and are counted in the city or village levy limit or municipal county levy limit provided by section 77-3442, except that such limitation shall not apply to property tax levies for preexisting lease-purchase contracts approved prior to July 1, 1998, for bonded indebtedness approved according to law and secured by a levy on property, and for payments by a public airport to retire interest-free loans from the Division of Aeronautics of the Department of Transportation in lieu of bonded indebtedness at a lower cost to the public airport. For offstreet parking districts established under the Offstreet Parking District Act, the tax shall be counted in the allocation by the city proportionately, by dividing the total taxable valuation of the taxable property within the district by the total taxable valuation of the taxable property within the city multiplied by the levy of the district. Unless a transit authority elects to convert into a regional metropolitan transit authority pursuant to the Regional Metropolitan Transit Authority Act, and for each fiscal year of such a transit authority until the first fiscal year commencing after the effective date of such conversion, the city council of a city which has established a transit authority pursuant to the Transit Authority Law or the council of a municipal county which contains a transit authority shall allocate no less than three cents per one hundred dollars of taxable property subject to the levy to the transit authority if requested by such authority. The city council, village board, or council shall review and approve or disapprove the levy request of the political subdivisions subject to this subsection. The city council, village board, or council may approve all or a portion of the levy request and may approve a levy request that would allow a levy greater than that permitted by law. The levy allocated by the municipality or municipal county may be exceeded as provided in section 77-3444.

(3) On or before August 1, all political subdivisions subject to county, municipal, or municipal county levy authority under this section shall submit a preliminary request for levy allocation to the county board, city council, village board, or council that is responsible for levying such taxes. The preliminary request of the political subdivision shall be in the form of a resolution adopted by a majority vote of members present of the political subdivision’s governing body. The failure of a political subdivision to make a preliminary request shall preclude such political subdivision from using procedures set forth in section 77-3444 to exceed the final levy allocation as determined in subsection (4) of this section.

(4) Each county board, city council, village board, or council shall (a) adopt a resolution by a majority vote of members present which determines a final allocation of levy authority to its political subdivisions and (b) forward a copy of such resolution to the chairperson of the governing body of each of its political subdivisions. No final levy allocation shall be changed after September 1 except by agreement between both the county board, city council, village board, or council which determined the amount of the final levy allocation and the governing body of the political subdivision whose final levy allocation is at issue.