Nebraska Statutes 79-2,134. Student fee policy; hearing; procedure; contents
On or before August 1, 2002, and annually each year thereafter, each school board shall hold a public hearing at a regular or special meeting of the board on a proposed student fee policy, following a review of the amount of money collected from students pursuant to, and the use of waivers provided in, the student fee policy for the prior school year. The student fee policy shall be adopted by a majority vote of the school board and shall be published in the student handbook. The board shall provide a copy of the student handbook to every student, or to every household in which at least one student resides, at no cost to the student or household. The student fee policy shall include specific details regarding:
Terms Used In Nebraska Statutes 79-2,134
- School: means a school under the jurisdiction of a school board authorized by Nebraska Statutes 79-101
- School board: means the governing body of any school district. See Nebraska Statutes 79-101
- School year: means (a) for elementary grades other than kindergarten, the time equivalent to at least one thousand thirty-two instructional hours and (b) for high school grades, the time equivalent to at least one thousand eighty instructional hours. See Nebraska Statutes 79-101
- Year: shall mean calendar year. See Nebraska Statutes 49-801
(1) The general written guidelines for any nonspecialized attire required for specified courses and activities;
(2) Any personal or consumable items a student will be required to furnish for participation in extracurricular activities;
(3) Any specialized equipment or attire which a student will be required to provide for any extracurricular activity;
(4) Any fees required from a student for participation in any extracurricular activity;
(5) Any fees required for postsecondary education costs;
(6) Any fees required for transportation costs pursuant to sections 79-241, 79-605, and 79-611 ;
(7) Any fees required for copies of student files or records pursuant to section 79-2,104 ;
(8) Any fees required for participation in before-and-after-school or prekindergarten services offered pursuant to section 79-1104 ;
(9) Any fees required for participation in summer school or night school;
(10) Any fees for breakfast and lunch programs; and
(11) The waiver policy pursuant to section 79-2,133.
No fee, specialized equipment or attire, or nonspecialized attire may be required pursuant to the Public Elementary and Secondary Student Fee Authorization Act unless the maximum dollar amount of the fee, the specifications for the specialized equipment or attire, or the specifications for the nonspecialized attire are specified in the student fee policy approved by the board. Reimbursement pursuant to subdivision (6) of section 79-2,127 for property lost or damaged by a student may be required without specification in the student fee policy.