2020 Nevada Revised Statutes 244.370 – Exhibits of county’s products at exposition or fair; permanent exhibits
1. Whenever the State of Nevada by act of the Legislature shall have decided to make a state exhibit at any exposition, the various counties may, for the purpose of more efficiently representing their resources and products, by order of their respective county commissioners, employ some person or persons to collect county exhibits and forward the same pursuant to instructions from the State Board of Commissioners of the exposition.
2. All collectors acting under authorization of county commissioners shall collect and mark each and every sample in accordance with such instructions from the State Board as may be necessary to secure clearness and uniformity of system in the state exhibit.
3. The county commissioners of each county may order the payment of such expenses as may be incurred in collecting the exhibit out of any available fund.
4. The county commissioners may, for the purpose of illustrating, exhibiting and advertising the resources of their counties, maintain permanent exhibits at suitable places either in this state or elsewhere, but they shall not expend for the maintenance of such permanent exhibit more than $25 in any 1 month. Nothing in this subsection shall be so construed as to conflict in any way with subsections 1, 2 or 3.