Nevada Revised Statutes 284.3622 – Catastrophic leave: Request for transfer to employee of hours from account for catastrophic leave
1. An employee of an appointing authority may request, in writing, that a specified number of hours of leave be transferred from the account for catastrophic leave to the employee’s account. The maximum number of hours that may be transferred to an employee pursuant to this section is 1,040 in any 1 calendar year.
2. The request must include:
(a) The employee’s name, title and classification; and
(b) A description of the catastrophe and the expected duration of leave required for that catastrophe.
3. An employee may not receive any leave from the account for catastrophic leave until the employee has used all the employee’s accrued annual, sick and compensatory leave.
4. An employee who receives leave from the account for catastrophic leave is entitled to payment for that leave at a rate no greater than the employee’s own rate of pay.