Nevada Revised Statutes 387.12463 – Commission on School Funding: Duties; receipt of quarterly report; remedial actions based on contents of report; recommendations
1. The Commission shall:
Terms Used In Nevada Revised Statutes 387.12463
- Charter school: means a public school that is formed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 388A of NRS. See Nevada Revised Statutes 385.007
- county: includes Carson City. See Nevada Revised Statutes 0.033
- Department: means the Department of Education. See Nevada Revised Statutes 385.007
- Public schools: means all kindergartens and elementary schools, junior high schools and middle schools, high schools, charter schools and any other schools, classes and educational programs which receive their support through public taxation and, except for charter schools, whose textbooks and courses of study are under the control of the State Board. See Nevada Revised Statutes 385.007
(a) Provide guidance to school districts and the Department on the implementation of the Pupil-Centered Funding Plan.
(b) Monitor the implementation of the Pupil-Centered Funding Plan and make any recommendations to the Joint Interim Standing Committee on Education that the Commission determines would, within the limits of appropriated funding, improve the implementation of the Pupil-Centered Funding Plan or correct any deficiencies of the Department or any school district or public school in carrying out the Pupil-Centered Funding Plan.
(c) Review the statewide base per pupil funding amount, the adjusted base per pupil funding for each school district and the multiplier for weighted funding for each category of pupils appropriated by law pursuant to NRS 387.1214 for each biennium and recommend any revisions the Commission determines to be appropriate to create an optimal level of funding for the public schools in this State, including, without limitation, by recommending the creation or elimination of one or more categories of pupils to receive additional weighted funding. If the Commission makes a recommendation pursuant to this paragraph which would require more money to implement than was appropriated from the State Education Fund in the immediately preceding biennium, the Commission shall also identify a method to fully fund the recommendation within 10 years after the date of the recommendation.
(d) Review the laws and regulations of this State relating to education, make recommendations to the Joint Interim Standing Committee on Education for any revision of such laws and regulations that the Commission determines would improve the efficiency or effectiveness of public education in this State and notify each school district of each such recommendation.
(e) Review and recommend to the Department revisions of the cost adjustment factors for each county established pursuant to NRS 387.1215 and the method for calculating the attendance area adjustment established pursuant to NRS 387.1218.
(f) Review the academic progress made by pupils in each public school since the implementation of the Pupil-Centered Funding Plan, including, without limitation, any changes to the academic progress of such pupils as the result of any additional money provided to each such school by the Pupil-Centered Funding Plan. In performing such a review, the Commission shall:
(1) Use metrics to measure the academic achievement of pupils which include, without limitation:
(I) The rate of graduation of pupils from high school by type of diploma;
(II) The performance of pupils on standardized examinations in math, reading and science;
(III) The number of credentials or other certifications in fields of career and technical education earned by pupils;
(IV) The number of pupils who earn a passing score on an advanced placement examination;
(V) The number of pupils who earn a passing score on an international baccalaureate examination;
(VI) The percentage of pupils in each school who lack a sufficient number of credits to graduate by the end of their 12th grade year;
(VII) The percentage of pupils in each school who drop out;
(VIII) The number of pupils who enroll in higher education upon graduation;
(IX) The number of pupils who enroll in a vocational or technical school or apprenticeship training program;
(X) The attendance rate for pupils;
(XI) The number of violent acts by pupils and disciplinary actions against pupils; and
(XII) Any other metric prescribed by the Commission;
(2) Use metrics to measure the improvement of pupils enrolled in elementary school in literacy which include, without limitation:
(I) The literacy rate for pupils in the first, third and fifth grades;
(II) The number of pupils in elementary school who were promoted to the next grade after testing below proficient in reading in the immediately preceding school year, separated by grade level and by level of performance on the relevant test;
(III) The number of schools that employ a licensed teacher designated to serve as a literacy specialist pursuant to NRS 388.159 and the number of schools that fail to employ and designate such a licensed teacher; and
(IV) Any other metric prescribed by the Commission;
(3) Use metrics to measure the ability of public schools to hire and retain sufficient staff to meet the needs of the public schools which include, without limitation:
(I) The rate of vacancies in positions for teachers, support staff and administrators;
(II) The attendance rate for teachers;
(III) The retention rate for teachers;
(IV) The number of schools and classrooms within each school in which the number of pupils in attendance exceeds the designed capacity for the school or classroom;
(V) The number of classes taught by a substitute teacher for more than 25 percent of the school year; and
(VI) Any other metric prescribed by the Commission;
(4) Use metrics to measure the extent to which schools meet the needs and expectations of pupils, parents or legal guardians of pupils, teachers and administrators which include, without limitation:
(I) The results of an annual survey of satisfaction of school employees;
(II) The results of an annual survey of satisfaction of pupils, parents or legal guardians of pupils and graduates; and
(III) Any other metric prescribed by the Commission;
(5) Identify the progress made by each school, school district and charter school on improving the literacy of pupils enrolled in elementary school;
(6) Make recommendations for strategies to increase the efficacy, efficiency, transparency and accountability of public schools; and
(7) Make recommendations to the Department, school districts and charter schools to improve the reporting, tracking, monitoring, analyzing and dissemination of data relating to pupil achievement and financial accountability, including, without limitation, revisions to the metrics identified in subparagraphs (1) to (4), inclusive.
(g) Review and consider strategies to improve the accessibility of existing and new programs for pupils within and between public schools, including, without limitation, open zoning.
2. Each school district and each charter school shall submit a quarterly report to the Commission that identifies how funding from the Pupil-Centered Funding Plan is being used to improve the academic performance and progress of pupils and includes, without limitation, all data or metrics collected by the school district or charter school to demonstrate such improvement. The Commission shall review the reports submitted pursuant to this subsection and transmit the reports, along with any commentary or recommendations relating to the reports, to the Governor, the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau, the Joint Interim Standing Committee on Education and the Interim Finance Committee.
3. After receiving the reports submitted to the Commission pursuant to subsection 2, the Governor may, with the approval of the Legislature or Interim Finance Committee if the Legislature is not in session, direct a school district or charter school to take such remedial actions as the Governor determines to be necessary and appropriate to address any deficiency identified in the reports submitted pursuant to subsection 2.
4. The Commission shall:
(a) Present any recommendations pursuant to paragraphs (a) to (g), inclusive, of subsection 1 at a meeting of the Joint Interim Standing Committee on Education for consideration and recommendations by the Committee; and
(b) After consideration of the recommendations of the Joint Interim Standing Committee on Education, transmit the recommendations or a revised version of the recommendations to the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for distribution to the Legislature.