1.  The driver of a school bus who observes a violation of NRS 484B.353 may prepare a report of the violation. The report must be signed by the driver and include:

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Terms Used In Nevada Revised Statutes 484B.357

(a) The date, time and approximate location of the violation;

(b) The number and state of issuance of the license plate of the vehicle whose driver committed the violation; and

(c) An identification of the vehicle by type and color.

2.  The driver of a school bus who prepares a report pursuant to subsection 1 shall, within 2 working days after the violation, send the report to the superintendent of the school district and a copy to the Department, which shall thereupon mail to the last known registered owner of the vehicle a notice containing:

(a) The information included in the report;

(b) The provisions of NRS 484B.353; and

(c) An explanation that the notice is not a citation but a warning of the seriousness of the violation.