1.  At any time while a person is not eligible for a license, permit or privilege to drive following an order of revocation issued pursuant to NRS 484C.220, the person may request in writing a hearing by the Department to review the order of revocation, but the person is only entitled to one hearing. The hearing must be conducted as soon as is practicable at any location, if the hearing officer permits each party and witness to attend the hearing by telephone, videoconference or other electronic means. The Director or agent of the Director may issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books and papers and may require a reexamination of the requester. Unless the person is ineligible for a temporary license pursuant to NRS 484C.220, the Department shall issue an additional temporary license for a period which is sufficient to complete the administrative review. A person who is issued a temporary license is not subject to and is exempt during the period of the administrative review from the requirement to install an ignition interlock device pursuant to NRS 484C.210.

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Terms Used In Nevada Revised Statutes 484C.230

  • Affirmed: In the practice of the appellate courts, the decree or order is declared valid and will stand as rendered in the lower court.
  • Continuance: Putting off of a hearing ot trial until a later time.
  • controlled substance: means a drug, immediate precursor or other substance which is listed in schedule I, II, III, IV or V for control by the State Board of Pharmacy pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes 0.031
  • Department: means the Department of Motor Vehicles. See Nevada Revised Statutes 481.015
  • Director: means the Director of the Department. See Nevada Revised Statutes 481.015
  • person: means a natural person, any form of business or social organization and any other nongovernmental legal entity including, but not limited to, a corporation, partnership, association, trust or unincorporated organization. See Nevada Revised Statutes 0.039

2.  The scope of the hearing must be limited to the issue of whether the person:

(a) Failed to submit to a required test provided for in NRS 484C.160; or

(b) At the time of the test, had a concentration of alcohol of 0.08 or more in his or her blood or breath or a detectable amount of a controlled substance or prohibited substance in his or her blood or urine for which he or she did not have a valid prescription, as defined in NRS 453.128, or hold a valid registry identification card, as defined in NRS 678C.080. Upon an affirmative finding on either issue, the Department shall affirm the order of revocation. Otherwise, the order of revocation must be rescinded.

3.  If, after the hearing, the order of revocation is affirmed, the person whose license, permit or privilege to drive has been revoked shall, if not previously installed, install an ignition interlock device pursuant to NRS 484C.210.

4.  If, after the hearing, the order of revocation is affirmed, the person whose license, privilege or permit has been revoked is entitled to a review of the same issues in district court in the same manner as provided by chapter 233B of NRS. The court shall notify the Department upon the issuance of a stay, and the Department shall issue an additional temporary license for a period which is sufficient to complete the review. A person who is issued a temporary license is not subject to and is exempt during the period of the judicial review from the requirement to install an ignition interlock device pursuant to NRS 484C.210.

5.  If a hearing officer grants a continuance of a hearing at the request of the person whose license was revoked, or a court does so after issuing a stay of the revocation, the officer or court shall notify the Department, and the Department shall cancel the temporary license and notify the holder by mailing the order of cancellation to the person’s last known address.