Nevada Revised Statutes 640.110 – Issuance and display of license; fee to change name on license; duration of license as physical therapist assistant
1. The Board shall license as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant each applicant who proves to the satisfaction of the Board his or her qualifications for licensure.
2. The Board shall issue to each applicant who proves to the satisfaction of the Board his or her qualification for licensure:
(a) As a physical therapist, a license as a physical therapist. The license authorizes the applicant to represent himself or herself as a licensed physical therapist and to practice physical therapy in the State of Nevada subject to the conditions and limitations of this chapter.
(b) As a physical therapist assistant, a license as a physical therapist assistant. The license authorizes the applicant to represent himself or herself as a licensed physical therapist assistant and to practice as a licensed physical therapist assistant subject to the conditions and limitations of this chapter.
3. Each physical therapist shall display his or her current license in a location which is accessible to the public.
4. The Board may charge a fee, not to exceed $25, to change a name on a license.
5. A license as a physical therapist assistant remains valid while a supervising physical therapist continues to supervise the physical therapist assistant.