1.  The Commission shall:

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(a) Adopt a seal to authenticate its proceedings.

(b) Conduct hearings pursuant to this chapter.

(c) Establish programs for education and research in the preparation and communication of appraisals.

(d) Adopt regulations:

(1) Governing the examinations, education and experience required by this chapter;

(2) Establishing standards for the preparation and communication of appraisals; and

(3) Establishing standards of professional conduct.

(e) Perform any other acts necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.

2.  The Commission may:

(a) Adopt such regulations as are reasonable and necessary for the administration of this chapter; and

(b) By regulation delegate any authority conferred on it by this chapter to the Administrator to be exercised pursuant to the regulations of the Commission.

3.  Service of process and other communications upon the Commission may be made at the principal office of the Division.