Nevada Revised Statutes 645D.230 – Form, size and contents of certificate or license; expiration and renewal; additional fee for electronic renewal
1. The Division shall issue a certificate or license to each eligible person in the form and size prescribed by the Division. A certificate or license must:
Terms Used In Nevada Revised Statutes 645D.230
- person: means a natural person, any form of business or social organization and any other nongovernmental legal entity including, but not limited to, a corporation, partnership, association, trust or unincorporated organization. See Nevada Revised Statutes 0.039
(a) Indicate the name and address of the inspector or energy auditor and the location of each place where he or she transacts business as an inspector or energy auditor; and
(b) Contain any additional matter prescribed by the Division.
2. A certificate is valid for 2 years after the first day of the first calendar month immediately following the date it is issued.
3. A license is valid for 1 year after the first day of the first calendar month immediately following the date it is issued.
4. If an inspector or energy auditor fails to apply for the renewal of his or her certificate or license and pay the fee for renewal before the certificate or license expires, and applies for renewal:
(a) Not later than 1 year after the date of expiration, he or she must pay a fee equal to 150 percent of the amount otherwise required for renewal.
(b) Later than 1 year after the date of expiration, he or she must apply in the same manner as for an original certificate or license.
5. The Division may:
(a) Create and maintain a secure website on the Internet through which each certificate or license issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter may be renewed; and
(b) For each certificate or license renewed through the use of a website created and maintained pursuant to paragraph (a), charge a fee in addition to any other fee provided for pursuant to this chapter which must not exceed the actual cost to the Division for providing that service.