Nevada Revised Statutes > Chapter 10 – General Provisions
Terms Used In Nevada Revised Statutes > Chapter 10 - General Provisions
- Active duty: means full-time duty status in the active uniformed service of the United States, including members of the National Guard and Reserve on active duty orders pursuant to 10 U. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- Authorized representative: means a person designated by a public body to be responsible for the development, solicitation, award or administration of contracts for public works pursuant to this chapter. See Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010
- Authorized representative: means a person designated by the governing body to be responsible for the development, award and proper administration of all purchases and contracts for a local government or a department, division, agency, board or unit of a local government made pursuant to this chapter. See Nevada Revised Statutes 332.025
- Board: means the State Historical Records Advisory Board. See Nevada Revised Statutes 378A.020
- Charter school: means a public school that is formed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 388A of NRS. See Nevada Revised Statutes 385.007
- Chief administrative officer: means the person directly responsible to the governing body for the administration of that particular entity. See Nevada Revised Statutes 332.025
- Child of a military family: means a school-aged child enrolled in kindergarten or grades 1 through 12, inclusive, in the household of a person on active duty. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- Codicil: An addition, change, or supplement to a will executed with the same formalities required for the will itself.
- Compact commissioner: means the voting representative of each compacting state appointed pursuant to Article VIII of this Compact. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- Conference report: The compromise product negotiated by the conference committee. The "conference report" is submitted to each chamber for its consideration, such as approval or disapproval.
- Contract: means a written contract entered into between a contractor and a public body for the provision of labor, materials, equipment or supplies for a public work. See Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010
- Contractor: means :
(a) A person who is licensed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 624 of NRS. See Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010
- Council: means the State Council on Libraries and Literacy. See Nevada Revised Statutes 380A.021
- Day labor: means all cases where public bodies, their officers, agents or employees, hire, supervise and pay the wages thereof directly to a worker or workers employed by them on public works by the day and not under a contract in writing. See Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010
- Department: means the Department of Education. See Nevada Revised Statutes 385.007
- Deployment: means the period 1 month before the departure of a person on active duty from his or her home station on military orders though 6 months after return to his or her home station. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- Design-build team: means an entity that consists of:
(a) At least one person who is licensed as a general engineering contractor or a general building contractor pursuant to chapter 624 of NRS; and
(b) For a public work that consists of:
(1) A building and its site, at least one person who holds a certificate of registration to practice architecture pursuant to chapter 623 of NRS. See Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010
- Division: means the State Public Works Division of the Department of Administration. See Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010
- Educational records: means the official records, files and data directly relating to a student which are maintained by a school or local education agency, including, without limitation, records encompassing all the material kept in the student"s cumulative folder, such as general identifying data, records of attendance and of academic work completed, records of achievement, results of evaluative tests, health data, disciplinary status, test protocols and individualized education programs. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- Eligible bidder: means a person who is:
(a) Found to be a responsible and responsive contractor by a local government or its authorized representative which requests bids for a public work in accordance with paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010
- English learner: has the meaning ascribed to it in Nevada Revised Statutes 385.007
- Evaluator: means an authorized representative, officer, employee, representative, agent, consultant or member of a governing body who has participated in:
(a) The evaluation of responses;
(b) Negotiations concerning purchasing by a local government; or
(c) The review or approval of the award, modification or extension of a contract. See Nevada Revised Statutes 332.025
- Ex officio: Literally, by virtue of one's office.
- Extracurricular activities: means a voluntary activity sponsored by a school or local education agency or an organization sanctioned by a local education agency, including, without limitation, preparation for and involvement in public performances, contests, athletic competitions, demonstrations, displays and club activities. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- Governing body: means the board, council, commission or other body in which the general legislative and fiscal powers of a local government are vested. See Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010
- Governing body: means the board, council, commission or other body in which the general legislative and fiscal powers of the local government are vested. See Nevada Revised Statutes 332.025
- Homeschooled child: means a child who receives instruction at home and who is exempt from compulsory enrollment and attendance pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes 385.007
- incarcerated persons: means persons who are incarcerated in a facility or institution operated by the Department of Corrections. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388H.010
- Interstate Commission: means the Interstate Commission on Educational Opportunity for Military Children created by Article IX of this Compact. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- Local education agency: means an administrative agency legally constituted by the state to provide control of and direction for public educational institutions for kindergarten and grades 1 through 12, inclusive. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- Local government: means every political subdivision or other entity which has the right to levy or receive money from ad valorem or other taxes or any mandatory assessments, and includes, without limitation, counties, cities, towns, boards, school districts and other districts organized pursuant to chapters 244A, 318, 318A, 379, 474, 538, 541, 543 and 555 of NRS, Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010
- local government: means :
(a) Every political subdivision or other entity which has the right to levy or receive money from ad valorem taxes or other taxes or from any mandatory assessments, including counties, cities, towns, school districts and other districts organized pursuant to chapters 244, 318, 318A, 379, 450, 474, 539, 541, 543 and 555 of NRS. See Nevada Revised Statutes 332.015
- Member state: means a state that has enacted this Compact. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- Military installation: means a base, camp, post, station, yard, center or homeport facility for any ship or other activity under the jurisdiction of the United States Department of Defense, including any leased facility, which is located within any of the several states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Marianas Islands or any other territory of the United States. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- Offense: means :
(a) Failing to:
(1) Pay the prevailing wage required pursuant to this chapter;
(2) Pay the contributions for unemployment compensation required pursuant to chapter 612 of NRS;
(3) Provide and secure compensation for employees required pursuant to chapters 616A to 617, inclusive, of NRS; or
(4) Comply with subsection 5 or 6 of Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010
- On-line solicitation: means a process by which a responding offeror submits a response to a solicitation on a secure website on the Internet or its successor, if any, which is established and maintained for that purpose. See Nevada Revised Statutes 332.025
- Proprietary information: means :
(a) Any trade secret or confidential business information that is contained in a response submitted to a governing body or its authorized representative on a particular contract; or
(b) Any other trade secret or confidential business information submitted to a governing body or its authorized representative by a responding offeror and designated as proprietary by the governing body or its authorized representative. See Nevada Revised Statutes 332.025
- Public body: means the State, county, city, town, school district or any public agency of this State or its political subdivisions sponsoring or financing a public work. See Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010
- Public schools: means all kindergartens and elementary schools, junior high schools and middle schools, high schools, charter schools and any other schools, classes and educational programs which receive their support through public taxation and, except for charter schools, whose textbooks and courses of study are under the control of the State Board. See Nevada Revised Statutes 385.007
- Public work: means any project for the new construction, repair or reconstruction of a project financed in whole or in part from public money for:
(a) Public buildings;
(b) Jails and prisons;
(c) Public roads;
(d) Public highways;
(e) Public streets and alleys;
(f) Public utilities;
(g) Publicly owned water mains and sewers;
(h) Public parks and playgrounds;
(i) Public convention facilities which are financed at least in part with public money; and
(j) All other publicly owned works and property. See Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010
- Receiving state: means the state to which a child of a military family is sent, brought or caused to be sent or brought. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- Responding offeror: means a person who responds to a solicitation made by a governing body or its authorized representative. See Nevada Revised Statutes 332.025
- Rule: means a written statement by the Interstate Commission promulgated pursuant to Article XII of this Compact that is of general applicability and implements, interprets or prescribes a policy or provision of this Compact or an organizational, procedural or practice requirement of the Interstate Commission and has the force and effect of statutory law in a member state, including the amendment, repeal or suspension of an existing rule. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- Sending state: means the state from which a child of a military family is sent, brought or caused to be sent or brought. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- Solicitation: means a written statement which sets forth the requirements and specifications of a contract to be awarded by:
(a) An invitation to bid;
(b) A request for proposals;
(c) A request for a statement of qualifications;
(d) A request for a quotation; or
(e) Any other accepted method of purchasing that complies with the provisions of this chapter. See Nevada Revised Statutes 332.025
- State: means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Marianas Islands and any other territory of the United States. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- State Board: means the State Board of Education. See Nevada Revised Statutes 385.007
- Student: means the child of a military family for whom the local education agency receives public funding and who is formally enrolled in kindergarten or grades 1 through 12, inclusive. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- Subcontract: means a written contract entered into between:
(a) A contractor and a subcontractor or supplier; or
(b) A subcontractor and another subcontractor or supplier, for the provision of labor, materials, equipment or supplies for a construction project. See Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010
- Subcontractor: means a person who:
(a) Is licensed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 624 of NRS or performs such work that the person is not required to be licensed pursuant to chapter 624 of NRS; and
(b) Contracts with a contractor, another subcontractor or a supplier to provide labor, materials or services for a construction project. See Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010
- Supplier: means a person who provides materials, equipment or supplies for a construction project. See Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010
- Transition: means the formal and physical process of transferring from school to school or the period of time in which a student moves from one school in the sending state to another school in the receiving state. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- Uniformed service: means the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. See Nevada Revised Statutes 388F.010
- University school for profoundly gifted pupils: has the meaning ascribed to it in Nevada Revised Statutes 385.007
- Wages: means :
(a) The basic hourly rate of pay; and
(b) The amount of pension, health and welfare, vacation and holiday pay, the cost of apprenticeship training or other bona fide fringe benefits which are a benefit to the worker. See Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010
- Worker: means a skilled mechanic, skilled worker, semiskilled mechanic, semiskilled worker or unskilled worker in the service of a contractor or subcontractor under any appointment or contract of hire or apprenticeship, express or implied, oral or written, whether lawfully or unlawfully employed. See Nevada Revised Statutes 338.010