§ 612.380 Leaving last or next to last employment without good cause or to seek other employment
§ 612.383 Discharge for crimes in connection with employment
§ 612.385 Discharge for misconduct
§ 612.390 Failure to apply for available or suitable work or to accept suitable work when offered
§ 612.392 Failure to accept suitable work or engage in effort to obtain work: Effect on extended benefits. [Each provision of this section expires by limitation on date it is no longer required by federal law to be in effect.]
§ 612.395 Unemployment as result of labor dispute
§ 612.400 Receipt of benefits under another unemployment compensation law
§ 612.405 Extended benefits payable under Interstate Benefit Payment Plan
§ 612.420 Receipt of wages in lieu of notice; severance pay; waiver or modification of period of disqualification under certain circumstances
§ 612.425 Paid vacation; waiver or modification of period of disqualification under certain circumstances
§ 612.430 Receipt of pay for vacation on termination of employment; waiver or modification of period of disqualification under certain circumstances
§ 612.432 Vacation or recess for holiday; services performed in more than one capacity for educational institution
§ 612.434 Period between academic years or terms; paid sabbatical leave; services performed in more than one capacity for educational institution
§ 612.436 Sports or athletic events
§ 612.445 Repayment of benefits received as result of false statement or failure to disclose material fact; penalty for unemployment insurance fraud; disqualification
§ 612.448 Alien status

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Terms Used In Nevada Revised Statutes > Chapter 612 > Disqualification for Benefits

  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
  • Conviction: A judgement of guilt against a criminal defendant.
  • county: includes Carson City. See Nevada Revised Statutes 0.033
  • Embezzlement: In most states, embezzlement is defined as theft/larceny of assets (money or property) by a person in a position of trust or responsibility over those assets. Embezzlement typically occurs in the employment and corporate settings. Source: OCC
  • Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
  • Fraud: Intentional deception resulting in injury to another.
  • Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
  • Oath: A promise to tell the truth.
  • person: means a natural person, any form of business or social organization and any other nongovernmental legal entity including, but not limited to, a corporation, partnership, association, trust or unincorporated organization. See Nevada Revised Statutes 0.039
  • Recess: A temporary interruption of the legislative business.