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Terms Used In New Hampshire Revised Statutes 261:50

The director of the division of motor vehicles, as administrator of the agreement for the state of New Hampshire, shall have the power to make such exemptions from the coverage of the agreement as may be appropriate and to make such changes in methods for the reporting of any information required to be furnished to this state pursuant to the agreement as, in his judgment, shall be suitable; provided that any such exemptions or changes shall not be contrary to the purposes set forth in Article I of the agreement and shall be made in order to permit the continuance of uniformity of practice among the contracting states with respect to buses. Any such exemption or change shall be made by rule and shall not be effective unless made by the same procedure required for other rules of his division. All such rules shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the state and in such other circulars as the director may in his discretion deem desirable to fairly apprise the public of the same.