
Attorney's Note

Under the Tennessee Code, punishments for crimes depend on the classification. In the case of this section:
class A misdemeanorup to 11 monthsup to $2,500
For details, see Tenn. Code § 40-35-111

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Terms Used In Tennessee Code 2-10-203

  • Allegation: something that someone says happened.
  • Candidate: means an individual who has made a formal announcement of candidacy or who is qualified under the law of this state to seek nomination for election or elections to public office, or has received contributions or made expenditures except for incidental expenditures to determine if one shall be a candidate, or has given consent for a campaign committee to receive contributions or make expenditures with a view to bringing about the individual's nomination for election or election to state public office. See Tennessee Code 2-10-102
  • Caucus: From the Algonquian Indian language, a caucus meant "to meet together." An informal organization of members of the legislature that exists to discuss issues of mutual concern and possibly to perform legislative research and policy planning for its members. There are regional, political or ideological, ethnic, and economic-based caucuses.
  • Election: means any general, special or primary election or run-off election, held to approve or disapprove a measure or nominate or elect a candidate for public office. See Tennessee Code 2-10-102
  • Joint resolution: A legislative measure which requires the approval of both chambers.
  • Local public office: means any state, county, municipal, school or other district or precinct office or position, including general sessions and juvenile court judges, that is filled by the voters, with the exception that "local public office" does not include any state public office as defined in subdivision (13)(B). See Tennessee Code 2-10-102
  • Measure: means any proposal submitted to the people of the entire state, or any political subdivision of the state, for their approval or rejection at an election, including any proposed law, act or part of an act of the general assembly, or revision of or amendment to the constitution. See Tennessee Code 2-10-102
  • Nolo contendere: No contest-has the same effect as a plea of guilty, as far as the criminal sentence is concerned, but may not be considered as an admission of guilt for any other purpose.
  • Oath: A promise to tell the truth.
  • Oath: includes affirmation. See Tennessee Code 1-3-105
  • Person: means an individual, partnership, committee, association, corporation, labor organization or any other organization or group of persons. See Tennessee Code 2-10-102
  • Public office: means any state public office or local public office filled by the voters. See Tennessee Code 2-10-102
  • Quorum: The number of legislators that must be present to do business.
  • Reporter: Makes a record of court proceedings and prepares a transcript, and also publishes the court's opinions or decisions (in the courts of appeals).
  • State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the several territories of the United States. See Tennessee Code 1-3-105
  • United States: includes the District of Columbia and the several territories of the United States. See Tennessee Code 1-3-105
  • written: includes printing, typewriting, engraving, lithography, and any other mode of representing words and letters. See Tennessee Code 1-3-105
  • Year: means a calendar year, unless otherwise expressed. See Tennessee Code 1-3-105
(1) There is created as a division of the bureau of ethics and campaign finance, as provided in title 4, chapter 55, a Tennessee registry of election finance. The registry shall be composed of six (6) members appointed as provided in this section.
(2) Appointments shall be made to reflect the broadest possible representation of Tennessee citizens. Of the six (6) members appointed, at least one (1) shall be a female and one (1) shall be black. However, a black female shall not satisfy the requirement of one (1) female and one (1) black. Each member shall have been a legal resident of this state for five (5) years immediately preceding selection. Members shall be at least thirty (30) years of age, registered voters in Tennessee, not announced candidates for public office, not members of a political party’s state executive committee, shall not have been convicted of an election offense, and shall be persons of high ethical standards who have an active interest in promoting fair elections. Gubernatorial appointees shall be subject to confirmation by joint resolution of the general assembly. Such appointees shall have full power to serve until any vote of nonconfirmation.
(b) The members of the registry of election finance shall also serve as members of the board of directors of the bureau of ethics and campaign finance.
(c) Members of the registry shall be selected for staggered five-year terms as follows:

(1) The governor shall appoint two (2) members. One (1) member shall be appointed from a list of three (3) nominees submitted by the state executive committee of the majority party. One (1) member shall be appointed from a list of three (3) nominees submitted by the state executive committee of the minority party. The governor’s solicitations and the replies shall be public records. The governor shall give due consideration to such nominations. The governor may request a second list of nominees; provided, however, no nominees from the original list of nominees may appear on the second list of nominees.
(2) The senate shall appoint two (2) members, with one (1) member to be chosen by the members of the senate democratic caucus and one (1) member to be chosen by the members of the senate republican caucus. The registry is required to notify in writing the appropriate caucus and speaker of the senate within a reasonable time upon the expiration of a member’s term or a vacancy occurring. If either caucus fails to appoint a member within sixty (60) days after receiving written notice of a vacancy from the registry or after receiving written notice of the expiration of a term from the registry, the speaker of the senate shall appoint a democrat or republican, as applicable, to fill the vacancy or make the appointment; and
(3) The house of representatives shall appoint two (2) members, with one (1) member to be chosen by the members of the house of representatives democratic caucus and one (1) member to be chosen by the members of the house of representatives republican caucus. The registry is required to notify in writing the appropriate caucus and speaker of the house of representatives within a reasonable time upon the expiration of a member’s term or a vacancy occurring. If either caucus fails to appoint a member within sixty (60) days after receiving written notice of a vacancy from the registry or after receiving written notice of the expiration of a term from the registry, the speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint a democrat or republican, as applicable, to fill the vacancy or make the appointment.
(d) In the event of a vacancy, the respective appointing authority shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.
(e) The registry shall elect a chair from among its appointed membership. The chair shall serve in that capacity for one (1) year and shall be eligible for reelection. The chair shall preside at all meetings and shall have all the powers and privileges of the other members.
(f) The registry shall fix the place and time of its regular meetings by order duly recorded in its minutes. No action shall be taken without a quorum present. Special meetings shall be called by the chair on the chair’s initiative or on the written request of four (4) members. Members shall receive seven (7) days’ written notice of a special meeting, and the notice shall specify the purpose, time and place of the meeting, and no other matters may be considered, without a specific waiver by all the members.
(g) The members of the registry shall receive no compensation; provided, that each member of the registry shall be eligible for reimbursement for expenses and mileage in accordance with the regulations promulgated by the commissioner of finance and administration and approved by the attorney general and reporter.
(h) No member of the registry or such member’s immediate family, as defined in § 3-6-301, shall, during registry membership:

(1) Be allowed to hold or qualify for elective office to any state or local public office, as defined in § 2-10-102;
(2) Be an employee of the state or any political subdivision of the state;
(3) Be an officer of any political party or political committee;
(4) Permit such person‘s name to be used or make campaign contributions in support of or in opposition to any candidate or proposition, except that a member’s immediate family may make campaign contributions in support of or in opposition to any candidate or proposition;
(5) Participate in any way in any election campaign;
(6) Lobby or employ a lobbyist; or
(7) Be employed by any elected officeholder, either in an official capacity or as an individual, or be employed by any business in which an elected officeholder has any direct input concerning employment decisions.
(i) An incumbent member of the registry may seek votes for confirmation of the member’s appointment to the registry; provided, that the member shall comply with subsection (h).
(j) Subsection (h) is applicable for one (1) year subsequent to the removal, vacancy, or termination of the term of office of a member of the registry.

(1) Every member of the registry of election finance shall, before they proceed to business, take an oath or affirmation to support the constitution of this state and of the United States and the laws of this state and also the following oath:

“I ______________ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that as a member of this registry of election finance, I will, in all matters, vote without favor, affection, partiality, or prejudice; and that I will not propose or assent to any action, measure, or resolution which shall appear to me to be contrary to law.”

(2) Unless otherwise provided by law, any member of the registry who violates the oath of office for that position or participates in any of the activities prohibited by this chapter commits a Class A misdemeanor. If a sworn allegation is made that a member has violated the oath of office for the member’s position or has participated in any of the activities prohibited by this chapter, then upon a unanimous vote of the remaining members, the member against whom the sworn allegation is made may be suspended from the registry for such purposes and for such times as the remaining members shall unanimously determine, but no suspension shall extend beyond final disposition of the sworn allegation. The accused member shall not participate in the suspension vote. If a member of the registry is found guilty of or pleads guilty or nolo contendere to a violation of the oath of office for the member’s position or participates in any of the activities prohibited by this chapter, then that member shall be deemed to be removed from office.
(l) Each regular meeting agenda must be published on the registry’s website at least five (5) business days prior to the date of the meeting.