(a) The governing body of the creating municipality may establish a metropolitan hospital authority in the manner provided for in this part.

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Terms Used In Tennessee Code 7-57-201

  • Board: means the board of trustees of an authority. See Tennessee Code 7-57-103
  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
  • Creating municipality: means any city or metropolitan government having a population of not less than two hundred thousand (200,000), according to the 1970 federal census or any subsequent federal census, or any county in which any such city shall be situated, that shall create an authority pursuant to this chapter. See Tennessee Code 7-57-103
  • Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
  • Executive officer: means the mayor, county mayor, or other chief executive officer of any creating or participating municipality. See Tennessee Code 7-57-103
  • Governing body: means the chief legislative body of any creating or participating municipality. See Tennessee Code 7-57-103
  • hospital authority: means a public body and a body corporate and public organized in accordance with this chapter for the purposes, with the powers, and subject to the restrictions set forth in this chapter. See Tennessee Code 7-57-103
  • Participating municipality: means any city, town or county, which city, town or county, pursuant to a resolution of its governing body and an agreement with the creating municipality, shall have sold, leased, dedicated, donated or otherwise conveyed its hospitals to the authority for operation by the authority in order to make such hospital an operational part of its health care system. See Tennessee Code 7-57-103
  • Record: means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in a perceivable form. See Tennessee Code 1-3-105
  • Resolution: means any resolution adopted by governing bodies pursuant to this chapter. See Tennessee Code 7-57-103
  • State: means the state of Tennessee. See Tennessee Code 7-57-103
(b) The governing body of the creating municipality shall adopt, and its executive officer shall approve, a resolution calling a public hearing on the question of creating a metropolitan hospital authority. Notice of the date, hour, place and purpose of such hearing shall be published at least once each week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the creating municipality, the last such publication to be at least one (1) week prior to the date set for the hearing.
(c) Such hearing shall be had before the governing body and all interested persons shall have an opportunity to be heard.
(d) After such hearing, if the governing body determines that the public convenience and necessity requires the creation of a metropolitan hospital authority, it shall adopt, and its executive officer shall approve, a resolution so declaring and creating an authority, which resolution shall also designate the name and principal office address of the authority. A certified copy of such resolution shall be filed with the secretary of state and with the commissioner of health, together with the resolution approving the appointment of the board of trustees as provided for in § 7-57-203, and upon such adoption and filing, the authority shall constitute a body politic and corporate, with all the powers pursuant to this chapter, and the secretary of state shall make and issue to the board of trustees a certificate of incorporation pursuant to this chapter, under the seal of the state, and shall record the certificate of incorporation, together with the resolution of the governing body of the municipality creating the authority.
(e) The boundaries of any authority created under this chapter shall be coextensive with the boundaries of the creating or participating municipality, whichever is inclusive of the other.
(f) In any suit, action or proceeding involving the validity or enforcement of or related to any contract of an authority, the authority shall be conclusively deemed to have been established in accordance with this chapter upon proof of the issuance of the certificate of incorporation by the secretary of state. A copy of such certificate, duly certified by the secretary of state, shall be admissible in evidence in any such suit, action or proceeding, and shall be conclusive proof of the filing and contents of the certificate.
(g) Whenever an authority shall be created under this chapter, the creating municipality and any participating municipality may enter into an agreement with the authority for the orderly transfer to the authority of the hospital properties, functions, and outstanding obligations of such municipalities in connection with the authority. Such agreement may include provisions for the reimbursement of any such municipality for its obligations issued for hospital purposes, and such agreement may also include provisions for the payment to the creating or participating municipalities of tax equivalents by the authority and its lessees on all or any part of the properties and improvements conveyed to or owned by the authority or its lessees.