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Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes 13:11A-3

  • State: extends to and includes any State, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia and the Canal Zone. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
6. a. There are created in the Department of Environmental Protection two special non-lapsing accounts to be known as the “Barnegat Bay Decoy and Baymen’s Museum Account” and the “Maritime History and Marine Life Preservation Project Account.” There shall be deposited into each of the accounts, the amounts collected from license plate fees collected pursuant to section 5 of this act, less the amounts necessary to reimburse the division for administrative costs pursuant to section 7 of this act, as follows:

(1) the amount collected from Barnegat Bay Decoy and Baymen’s Museum license plate fees shall be deposited in the Barnegat Bay Decoy and Baymen’s Museum Account; and

(2) the amount collected from other maritime history or marine life preservation project license plate fees shall be deposited in the Maritime History and Marine Life Preservation Project Account.

b. Monies deposited in the accounts shall be dedicated to the purposes set forth in section 8 of this act. Monies deposited in the accounts shall be held in interest-bearing accounts in public depositories as defined pursuant to section 1 of P.L.1970, c.236 (C. 17:9-41), and may be invested or reinvested in such securities as are approved by the State Treasurer. Interest or other income earned on monies deposited into the accounts, and any monies which may be appropriated or otherwise become available for the purposes of the accounts, shall be credited to and deposited in the accounts for use as set forth in this act.
