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Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes 17:18-9

  • Assets: (1) The property comprising the estate of a deceased person, or (2) the property in a trust account.
  • Mortgage: The written agreement pledging property to a creditor as collateral for a loan.
  • State: extends to and includes any State, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia and the Canal Zone. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
17:18-9. No insurance company transacting business in this State shall expose itself to any loss on any one risk or hazard in an amount exceeding ten per centum (10%) of its net assets as of December 31 next preceding, except that for the kind of business specified in subsection e. of R.S.17:17-1, the exposure to any loss on any one risk or hazard shall not exceed five per centum (5.0%) of the insurer’s net assets as of December 31 next preceding. With respect to the kind of business specified in subsection e. of R.S.17:17-1, the commissioner may revise the limit between five per centum (5.0%) and ten per centum (10.0%) of net assets exposed on any one risk or hazard as deemed necessary based on an assessment of the lines and classifications of business written and on the individual company’s financial condition. So much of a risk or hazard as shall be reinsured in a company that satisfies the requirements set forth in P.L.1993, c.243 (C. 17:51B-1 et al.) or as to which credit for reinsurance is allowed pursuant to the law of the ceding insurer’s state or country of domicile, which law is substantially similar to P.L.1993, c.243 (C. 17:51B-1 et al.) shall not be considered part of the risk.

Any mutual fire insurance company operated without purpose of profit and which confines its business principally to sprinklered risks and which pays no commissions or brokerages for the acquisition of its business may expose itself to loss on any one risk or hazard to an amount not exceeding ten per centum (10%) of the sum of its net assets and its gross premium or premium deposits in force. No insurance company transacting business in this State and having net assets of less than $2,000,000 shall issue any policy of insurance on any one risk or hazard for an amount in excess of double the amount to which it can legally expose itself, as above provided, unless the reinsurance contracts have been submitted to and approved by the commissioner.

This section shall not apply to policies of life insurance, marine insurance, including transportation and inland navigation, title or mortgage insurance, or workmen’s compensation or employer’s liability insurance.

Amended 1949,c.59; 1951,c.206,s.3; repealed in part (see N.J.S. 17B:36-3b); 1993,c.234,s.4.