New Jersey Statutes 17:44B-25. Filing of annual statement
Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes 17:44B-25
- State: extends to and includes any State, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia and the Canal Zone. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
b. As a part of the annual statement required by subsection a. of this section, each society shall, on or before March 1, file with the commissioner a valuation of its certificates in force on December 31 last preceding, provided the commissioner may, in his discretion for cause shown, extend the time for filing the valuation for not more than two calendar months. The valuation shall be done in accordance with the standards specified in section 24 of this act. The valuation and underlying data shall be certified by a qualified actuary or, at the expense of the society, verified by the actuary of the insurance regulatory agency of the state of domicile of the society;
c. A society failing to file the annual statement in the form and within the time provided by this section shall forfeit $100 for each day during which the failure continues, and, upon notice by the commissioner to that effect, its authority to do business in this State shall cease while the failure continues.