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Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes 18A:58-19

  • Appropriation: The provision of funds, through an annual appropriations act or a permanent law, for federal agencies to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. The formal federal spending process consists of two sequential steps: authorization
  • State: extends to and includes any State, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia and the Canal Zone. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
Section 18 of “An act concerning state aid for schools, making an appropriation therefor, and repealing P.L.1946, c. 63, P.L.1948, c. 66, P.L.1951, c. 227, sections 18:10-49, 18:12-4 through 18:12-9, and 18:15-6 through 18:15-16 of the Revised Statutes and amendments and supplements thereto,” approved June 30, 1954 (P.L.1954, c. 85), is saved from repeal.

L.1967, c.271.