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Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes 34:1B-344

  • Amendment: A proposal to alter the text of a pending bill or other measure by striking out some of it, by inserting new language, or both. Before an amendment becomes part of the measure, thelegislature must agree to it.
  • State: extends to and includes any State, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia and the Canal Zone. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
76. a. (1) If, in any tax period, an eligible business reduces the total number of full-time employees in its Statewide workforce by more than 20 percent from the number of full-time employees in its Statewide workforce in the last tax period prior to the credit amount approval under the program, then the eligible business shall forfeit its credit amount for that tax period and each subsequent tax period, until the first tax period for which documentation demonstrating the restoration of the eligible business’s Statewide workforce to the threshold levels required by this subsection has been reviewed and approved by the authority, for which tax period and each subsequent tax period the full amount of the credit shall be allowed.

(2) If the annual report filed by an eligible business pursuant to section 77 of P.L.2020, c.156 (C. 34:1B-345) provides that the number of new full-time employees employed by the eligible business subject to the project agreement, or the salaries thereof, was reduced by more than 10 percent of the number of new full-time employees, or salaries thereof, in the annual report of the prior year, or the project agreement if the annual report is the first such report filed, then the authority may reevaluate the net positive economic benefit of the project and reduce the size of the award accordingly. This reduction shall not affect any recapture under subsection f. of this section.

b. If, in any tax period, the number of full-time employees employed by the eligible business subject to the project agreement, or the salaries thereof, drops below 80 percent of the number of new and retained full-time jobs, and the salaries thereof, specified in the project agreement or the project phase agreement, then the eligible business shall forfeit its tax credit amount for that tax period and each subsequent tax period, until the first tax period for which documentation demonstrating the restoration of the number of full-time employees employed by the eligible business subject to the project agreement to 80 percent of the number of jobs specified in the project agreement or project phase agreement or the restoration of 80 percent of the salaries specified in the project agreement is reviewed and approved by the authority.

c. Except for an eligible business that is a small business engaged primarily in a targeted industry:

(1) If the qualified business facility is sold in whole or in part during the eligibility period, the new owner shall not acquire the capital investment of the seller, provided, however, that any tax credits of tenants shall remain unaffected. The seller shall forfeit all tax credits for the tax period in which the sale occurs and all subsequent tax periods, provided, however, that an eligible business may change the location of the qualified business facility if

the new facility:

(a) meets all applicable location qualifying criteria and has gross leasable area not less than the gross leasable area of the qualified business facility initially approved by the authority and the alternate qualified business facility meets the minimum capital investment and sustainability requirements of the program; or

(b) does not meet all applicable location qualifying criteria or has less gross leasable area than the gross leasable area of the qualified business facility initially approved by the authority, if the alternate qualified business facility meets the minimum capital investment and sustainability requirements of the program, provided that the authority shall require a cost comparison of the originally approved location and the alternate qualified business facility illustrating the respective economics of the project which reflect occupancy at the alternate proposed qualified business facility location for the remaining duration of the commitment period and shall re-calculate the net economic benefit of the project to reflect the economics of occupancy at the alternate proposed location for the remaining duration of the net benefit test period in lieu of the economics of continuing occupancy at the qualified business facility proposed to be vacated, and provided further that the award of tax credits shall be reduced consistent with the variations in qualifying criteria for the alternate qualified business facility location as well as in a manner consistent with the revised net economic benefit calculation.

In the event that the modified project economics materially deviate from the economics of the initial approval in a manner that undermines the recommendation of approval made by the staff of the authority at the time of the initial approval, then the business requesting to re-locate a qualified business facility shall be required to obtain the approval of the members of the authority.

(2) If a tenant subleases its tenancy in whole or in part during the eligibility period, the new tenant shall not acquire the tax credits of the sublessor, and the sublessor shall forfeit all tax credits for any tax period of its sublease in which the sublessor, in continued occupation of a portion of the qualified business facility, fails to maintain the number of jobs required for the sublessor to earn tax credits for the tax period or fails to independently satisfy the minimum capital investment or sustainability requirements for the program as set forth in section 71 of P.L.2020, c.156 (C. 34:1B-339). Provided, however, if the capital investment of the sublessor in the occupied portion of the qualified business facility is below the project minimum capital investment as set forth in section 71 of P.L.2020, c.156 (C. 34:1B-339), the sublessor may include capital investment made by or on behalf of the new tenant in the subleased portion of the qualified business facility, so long as that capital investment is not the subject of an independent application under an incentive program with the authority.

d. A small business may move its qualified business facility provided that the business remains in New Jersey during the commitment period.

e. The authority may require a small business to submit a growth plan, which specifies the number of new full-time employees in the State that the eligible business will hire each year of the eligibility period; provided that by the end of the eligibility period, the eligible business shall have a minimum of 25 percent growth of its workforce with new full-time jobs. If the eligible business meets the number of new full-time employees specified in the growth plan each year of the eligibility period, then the eligible business shall be entitled to an increased credit amount for that tax period, and each subsequent tax period, for each additional full-time employee added above the number of full-time employees certified, until the full-time employees number the maximum number projected for the final year of the eligibility period. Failure to meet the projections in any year shall not constitute a default but shall cause the authority to reduce the award in accordance with a schedule attached to the project agreement.

f. (1) The authority may recapture all or part of a tax credit awarded if an eligible business does not remain in compliance with the requirements of a project agreement for the duration of the commitment period. A recapture pursuant to this subsection may include interest on the recapture amount, at a rate equal to the statutory rate for corporate business or insurance premiums tax deficiencies, plus any statutory penalties, and all costs incurred by the authority and the Division of Taxation in the Department of the Treasury in connection with the pursuit of the recapture, including, but not limited to, counsel fees, court costs, and other costs of collection. Failure of the eligible business to meet any program criteria shall constitute a default and shall result in the recapture of all or part of the tax credit awarded.

(2) If all or part of a tax credit sold or assigned pursuant to section 78 of P.L.2020, c.156 (C. 34:1B-346) is subject to recapture, then the authority shall pursue recapture from the eligible business and not from the purchaser or assignee of the tax credit transfer certificate. The purchaser or assignee of a tax credit transfer certificate shall be subject to any limitations and conditions that apply to the use of the tax credits by the eligible business.

(3) Any funds, net of costs incurred by the authority, recaptured pursuant to this subsection, including penalties and interest, shall be deposited into the General Fund of the State.

g. A business may include an affiliate for any period, provided that the business provides a valid tax clearance certificate for the affiliate and a verification of the nature of the affiliate relationship during the relevant period, and provided further that the affiliate provides acceptable responses to the authority’s legal disclosures inquiries, as determined by the authority. A formal modification of the authority’s approval of the project agreement shall not be necessary to add or remove an affiliate after approval or execution of the project agreement.

h. A business may change its name filed with the authority by providing a copy of the filed amendment to the certificate of incorporation or formation, as the case may be, of the business and a valid tax clearance certificate with the business’s new name. A formal modification of the authority’s approval shall not be necessary to change a business’s name after approval or execution of the project agreement.

L.2020, c.156, s.76; amended 2021, c.160, s.36.