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Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes 34:1B-7.32

  • State: extends to and includes any State, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia and the Canal Zone. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
5. a. To implement the program, the authority shall establish and maintain a special revolving fund to be known as the “New Jersey Boat Industry Loan Guarantee Fund,” hereinafter the “guarantee fund,” which shall be credited with: (1) an amount from the Economic Recovery Fund established pursuant to section 3 of P.L.1992, c.16 (C. 34:1B-7.12) which the authority determines is necessary to effectively implement the program, within the limits of funding available from the Economic Recovery Fund; (2) any moneys that shall be received by the authority from the repayment of the moneys in the guarantee fund used to provide loan guarantees pursuant to this act and interest thereon; and (3) other moneys of the authority, including but not limited to, any moneys available from other business assistance programs administered by the authority which it is authorized and determines to deposit therein.

b. The authority shall use the moneys in the guarantee fund to: (1) enter, within six years of the effective date of this act, into loan guarantee agreements with participating banks and boat manufacturers or distributors qualified pursuant to subsection d. of this section, to guarantee up to 90 percent of the loans or lines of credit provided by participating banks, in accordance with section 7 of this act; and (2) defray the administrative expenses of the authority in carrying out the purposes and provisions of this act.

c. Applications for loan guarantees under this act shall be submitted by boat manufacturers or distributors in a form and manner determined by the authority. Upon application by a boat manufacturer or distributor for a loan guarantee pursuant to this section, the authority, in consultation with the Office of Labor Statistics in the Division of Planning and Research of the Department of Labor, shall determine whether the loan for which the application for a loan guarantee has been submitted is expected to result in a net increase in the number of jobs provided to New Jersey residents in the State, which may include the re-employment of personnel temporarily discharged by the boat manufacturer or distributor during the years 1990 through 1993, inclusive. If it is determined by the authority that the loan is likely to meet this goal, the authority shall certify that the boat manufacturer or distributor is eligible to receive a loan guarantee pursuant to this section.

d. In evaluating a loan guarantee application submitted by a boat manufacturer or distributor and certified as eligible by the authority pursuant to subsection c. of this section, the authority shall place primary emphasis on the applicant’s record of profitability and financial stability prior to January 1, 1991, and on projections by the applicant, including the data and assumptions forming the basis thereof, of recovered profitability and financial stability over the term of the loan guarantee. The portion of the direct loans or lines of credit provided by participating banks may be guaranteed by the authority pursuant to section 7 of this act only if an eligible boat manufacturer or distributor has been qualified therefor by demonstrating to the satisfaction of the authority that the eligible boat manufacturer or distributor has the ability, reputation and credit-worthiness necessary to reach a market and generate sales.

e. No loan guarantee entered into pursuant to this section shall be for a period of more than five years. Upon expiration of the period of all loan guarantees entered into pursuant to this act, all repayments, and interest thereon, and all moneys remaining in the guarantee fund shall be credited to and deposited in the “Economic Recovery Fund,” established pursuant to section 3 of P.L.1992, c.16 (C. 34:1B-7.12) for any of the purposes thereof.

f. Moneys in the guarantee fund may be invested in such obligations as the authority may approve and, except as otherwise provided in subsection e. of this section, net earnings received from the investment or deposit of moneys in the guarantee fund by the authority shall be redeposited in the guarantee fund for use for the purposes of this act.
