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Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes 39:5-30.5a

  • person: includes corporations, companies, associations, societies, firms, partnerships and joint stock companies as well as individuals, unless restricted by the context to an individual as distinguished from a corporate entity or specifically restricted to one or some of the above enumerated synonyms and, when used to designate the owner of property which may be the subject of an offense, includes this State, the United States, any other State of the United States as defined infra and any foreign country or government lawfully owning or possessing property within this State. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
  • State: extends to and includes any State, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia and the Canal Zone. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
a. The director shall, in establishing a motor vehicle point system, pursuant to section 1 of P.L. 1982, c. 43 (C. 39:5-30.5), include in that system a schedule of points to be assessed against a person operating a motor vehicle, except a motor vehicle operated for emergency purposes by a fire department or ambulance or rescue squad, in a manner which causes the destruction of agricultural crops, fences, fields or other agricultural or recreational property. “Recreational property” means any public or private property used as a golf course, park, or other similar purpose.

b. A person who operates a motor vehicle in the manner described in subsection a. of this section, who is not a licensed driver of this State at the time of the violation, shall have the points established pursuant to this section assessed against his record upon being issued a license to operate a motor vehicle in this State.

L. 1985, c. 154, s. 2, eff. April 25, 1985.