New Jersey Statutes 40:60-51. National park; referendum if voters protest
Any proposition submitted to the voters of any municipality under the provisions of this section and said section 40:60-50 shall be voted upon at the next general election held in the municipality at least thirty days after the filing of the protest or protests herein provided for, unless the governing body thereof shall call a special election therefor. Any such special election shall be conducted and canvassed by the same officers and in the same manner as near as may be prescribed by the laws regulating general elections. The proposition shall be stated on the ballots in substantially the following form: “Shall an ordinance of the (name of governing body) of the of (name of municipality) entitled (title of ordinance and date of passage), be ratified?” “Yes.” “No.”
The governing body of such municipality shall adopt a resolution declaring the result of the election, which resolution shall be published once in the manner provided above for the notice of election. No action, suit or proceeding to contest the validity of such election shall be instituted after the expiration of twenty days from the date of publication of the resolution declaring the result thereof.