New Jersey Statutes 40A:31-11. Connection fees
Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes 40A:31-11
- budget: means the budget of a local unit. See New Jersey Statutes 40A:1-1
- Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
- local unit: means a county or municipality. See New Jersey Statutes 40A:1-1
- person: includes corporations, companies, associations, societies, firms, partnerships and joint stock companies as well as individuals, unless restricted by the context to an individual as distinguished from a corporate entity or specifically restricted to one or some of the above enumerated synonyms and, when used to designate the owner of property which may be the subject of an offense, includes this State, the United States, any other State of the United States as defined infra and any foreign country or government lawfully owning or possessing property within this State. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
- Remainder: An interest in property that takes effect in the future at a specified time or after the occurrence of some event, such as the death of a life tenant.
- State: extends to and includes any State, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia and the Canal Zone. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
a. The amount representing all debt service, including but not limited to sinking funds, reserve funds, the principal and interest on bonds, and the amount of any loans and the interest thereon, paid by the local unit or units to defray the capital cost of developing the system as of the end of the immediately preceding budget year shall be added to all capital expenditures made by a local unit or units not funded by a bond ordinance or debt for the development of the system as of the end of the immediately preceding budget year.
b. Any gifts, contributions or subsidies to the local unit or units received from, and not reimbursed or reimbursable to, any federal, State, county or municipal government or agency or any private person, and that portion of amounts paid to the local unit or units by a public entity under a service agreement or service contract which is not repaid to the public entity by the local unit or units, shall then be subtracted.
c. The remainder shall be divided by the total number of service units served by the local unit or units at the end of the immediately preceding budget year, and the results shall then be apportioned to each new connector according to the number of service units attributed to that connector. In attributing service units to each connector, the estimated average daily flow of water for the connector shall be divided by the average daily flow of water to the average single family residence in the area served by the local unit or units, to produce the number of service units to be attributed.
The connection fee shall be recomputed at the end of each budget year, after a public hearing is held. The revised connection fee may be imposed upon those who subsequently connect in that budget year to the system.
The combination of the connection fee or tapping fee and the aforesaid water service charges shall be such that the revenues of water supply facilities shall be adequate to pay the expenses of operation and maintenance of the water supply facilities, including improvements, extensions, enlargements and replacements to water supply facilities, reserves, insurance, principal and interest on any bonds, and to maintain such reserves or sinking funds therefor as may be required under the bond covenants or any contracts, or as may be deemed necessary or desirable.
Source: New.