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Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes 52:14B-27

  • State: extends to and includes any State, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia and the Canal Zone. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
2. a. Consistent with the requirements of applicable statutes, the head of each State agency shall periodically conduct a comprehensive written review of all permits issued by the State agency, in order to identify:

(1) those permits that can be administered through an expedited process;

(2) those permits that are obsolete, are no longer necessary, or cost more to administer than the benefits they provide, and thus should be eliminated so long as the public health, safety, or general welfare is not endangered;

(3) those permits that can have their period of validity extended beyond the scheduled termination date without significant disruption to the efficiency or work of the State agency, so long as the public health, safety, or general welfare is not endangered; and

(4) those permitting procedures that can be better facilitated through the increased incorporation of computer-based technology, such as the Internet, or that can be completed online.

b. The head of each State agency shall include, as part of the comprehensive written review required by subsection a. of this section:

(1) a description of those permits identified pursuant to subsection a. of this section;

(2) a description of the recent actions taken by the State agency to:

(a) eliminate obsolete permits;

(b) extend the period of validity associated with non-obsolete permits;

(c) expedite the State agency’s permitting procedures;

(d) facilitate the enhanced use of computer-based and Internet technology in such procedures; and

(e) reduce the number of permits that are backlogged;

(3) recommendations and explanations as to which of the State agency’s remaining permitting procedures should be revised or simplified in order to further expedite the issuance of permits by the State agency and increase the use of computer-based technology, such as the Internet, in the State agency’s permitting procedures; and

(4) the identification of those rules, regulations, and statutes administered by the State agency that would need to be revised or eliminated in order to effectuate the changes recommended pursuant to paragraph (3) of this subsection.

c. Upon completion of the comprehensive written review pursuant to subsection a. of this section, the head of each State agency shall submit the review to the Secretary of State or other State officer or employee designated by the Governor pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2011, c.34 (C. 52:14B-28).

L.2011, c.34, s.2; amended 2015, c.88, s.1.