New Mexico Statutes 22-19A-8. Proceeds of bond sales; retirement fund; reserve fund
A. Proceeds from the sale of bonds shall be deposited into a separate account to be used solely for the specific purposes for which the bonds were issued, including a debt service reserve fund. All costs incident to issuing and selling the bonds may be paid out of the proceeds of the bonds.
B. The local school board shall establish a “debt service fund” to be used solely for the payment of principal, interest and service charges on the bonds. Sufficient amounts from the pledged revenue shall be deposited in the debt service fund at least annually so that timely payments of principal, interest and service charges may be made. All proceeds remaining after completion of the housing project shall be deposited into the debt service fund.
C. The local school board may establish a “debt service reserve fund” to be used to pay bond payments in case the pledged revenue is insufficient.