New Mexico Statutes 32A-28-15. Petition; form and content
In a petition initiating a child custody proceeding, the department shall include a statement as to whether the child who is the subject of the child custody proceeding is an Indian child and shall include information about:
A. the Indian child’s tribe;
B. the tribal affiliations of the Indian child’s parents;
C. active efforts made to provide remedial services and rehabilitative programs designed to prevent the breakup of the Indian family and that these efforts were proven to be unsuccessful and the reasons these efforts were unsuccessful, if known;
D. active efforts made to comply with the notice requirements pursuant to the Indian Family Protection Act, including results of the contact and the names, addresses, titles and telephone numbers of the persons contacted. Copies of any correspondence with the Indian child’s tribe shall be attached as exhibits to the petition; and
E. active efforts made to comply with the placement preferences set forth in the Indian Family Protection Act or the placement preferences of the Indian child’s tribe.