New Mexico Statutes 58-15-7. Place of business; change; residence of borrower
A. Not more than one place of business shall be maintained under the same license, but the director may issue additional licenses to the same licensee upon compliance with all the provisions of the New Mexico Small Loan Act of 1955 governing issuance of a single license, provided that when more than one license is issued to any person, each licensed office of such person shall be operated under the same trade name.
B. No change in the place of business of a licensee to a location outside of the municipality for which such license was issued shall be permitted under the same license. When a licensee wishes to change his place of business within the same municipality, he shall give written notice thereof to the director who shall investigate the facts and, if he shall find:
(1) that allowing the licensee to engage in business in the proposed location is not detrimental to the convenience and advantage of the community; and
(2) that the proposed location is reasonably accessible to borrowers under existing loan contracts, he shall enter an order permitting the change and shall amend the license accordingly. If the director shall not so find he shall enter an order denying the licensee such permission in the manner specified in and subject to the provisions of Section 58-15-5 N.M. Stat. Ann..
C. Nothing in this act shall be construed to limit the loans of any licensee to residents of the community in which the licensed place of business is located; nor to prohibit accommodations to individual borrowers in sickness or in connection with hours of employment or other such situations; nor to prohibit making loans by mail to residents of New Mexico.