New Mexico Statutes 68-3-1. Interstate Compact for the Prevention and Control of Forest
The Interstate Compact for the Prevention and Control of Forest Fires is enacted into law, and New Mexico hereby enters into the compact as a member state with all other jurisdictions legally joining therein in the form substantially as follows:
INTERSTATE COMPACT FOR THE PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF FOREST FIRES ARTICLE I Purpose The purpose of this compact is to promote effective prevention and control of forest fires in the great plains region of the United States by the maintenance of adequate forest firefighting services by the member states, and providing for reciprocal aid in fighting forest fires among the compacting states of the region, including South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado and any adjoining state of a current member state.
ARTICLE II Operative Date This compact is operative immediately as to those states ratifying it if any two or more of the member states have ratified it.