New Mexico Statutes 76-21-2. Definitions
As used in the Agricultural Commodity Commission Act:
A. “animal” means any agricultural animal except beef cattle and horses;
B. “commercial channels” means the sale of the commodity for use as food or for industrial, agricultural or chemurgic use, when sold to any commercial buyer or to any person who resells the commodity or any product derived therefrom;
C. “commission” means a commodity commission established under the Agricultural Commodity Commission Act;
D. “commodity” means any distinctive type of agricultural, horticultural, floricultural, viticultural, vegetable or animal product of any class, in its natural or processed state. The director of the New Mexico department of agriculture may determine what types or subtypes of commodity may be classed together as a commodity for the purposes of the Agricultural Commodity Commission Act;
E. “director” means the director of the New Mexico department of agriculture; F. “first purchaser” means any person who buys the commodity, for which a commission is created, from the producer in the first instance, or the handler who received the commodity in the first instance from the producer for resale or processing;
G. “handler” means any producer, processor, distributor or other person engaged in the handling or marketing of or dealing in the commodity for which a commission is created, whether as an owner, agent, employee, broker or otherwise; and
H. “producer” means any person engaged in a proprietary capacity in the commercial production of a commodity for market within this state.