There is levied and imposed upon all sheep and haired goats involved in a transfer of ownership in the state an assessment to be called the “council assessment”. The council assessment is to be fixed by the council at a rate not more than seventy-five cents ($.75) per head. The board shall collect this council assessment at the same time and in the same manner as the fee charged for the state inspection required upon the movement of those sheep and haired goats. The board shall not deliver the certificate of inspection or permit the sheep or haired goats to move until all fees have been paid.

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The proceeds of the council assessment shall be remitted by the board to the council at the end of each month along with information that will allow the council to make necessary refunds. At the request of the board, the council shall reimburse the board for the reasonable and necessary expenses incurred for such collections and information not to exceed four percent of collections on those sheep and haired goats involved in a transfer of ownership.