New Mexico Statutes 9-4A-4. Department created
The “cultural affairs department” is created in the executive branch. The department is a cabinet department and includes the following divisions:
A. the administrative services division; B. the arts division;
C. the historic preservation division; D. the library division;
E. the Hispanic cultural division;
F. the farm and ranch heritage museum division;
G. the natural history and science museum division; H. the museum of space history division;
I. the museum resources division;
J. the veterans museum division; and
K. the following divisions that make up the museum of New Mexico:
(1) the palace of the governors state history museum division; (2) the New Mexico museum of art division;
(3) the museum of Indian arts and culture division; (4) the museum of international folk art division;
(5) the archaeology division; and
(6) the state historic sites and monuments division.