N.Y. Criminal Procedure Law 570.19 – Extradition of gender-affirming care providers, seekers, parents, guardians, and helpers
§ 570.19 Extradition of gender-affirming care providers, seekers,
Terms Used In N.Y. Criminal Procedure Law 570.19
- Executive authority: includes the governor, and any person performing the functions of governor in a state other than this state. See N.Y. Criminal Procedure Law 570.04
- Extradition: The formal process of delivering an accused or convicted person from authorities in one state to authorities in another state.
- Governor: includes any person performing the functions of governor by authority of the law of this state. See N.Y. Criminal Procedure Law 570.04
parents, guardians, and helpers.
No demand for the extradition of a person subject to criminal liability that is in whole or part based on the alleged provision or receipt of, support for, or any theory of vicarious, joint, several or conspiracy liability for gender-affirming care, as defined in paragraph (c) of subdivision one of § 6531-b of the education law, lawfully performed in New York shall be recognized by the governor unless the executive authority of the demanding state shall allege in writing that the accused was present in the demanding state at the time of the commission of the alleged offense, and that thereafter he, she or they fled from that state.