North Carolina General Statutes 130A-5.1. State health standards
(a) The Secretary shall adopt measurable standards and goals for community health against which the State‘s actions to improve the health status of its citizens will be measured. The Secretary shall report annually to the General Assembly upon its convening or reconvening and to the Governor on all of the following:
(1) How the State compares to national health measurements and established State goals for each standard. Comparisons shall be reported using disaggregated data for health standards.
Terms Used In North Carolina General Statutes 130A-5.1
- Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
- following: when used by way of reference to any section of a statute, shall be construed to mean the section next preceding or next following that in which such reference is made; unless when some other section is expressly designated in such reference. See North Carolina General Statutes 12-3
- state: when applied to the different parts of the United States, shall be construed to extend to and include the District of Columbia and the several territories, so called; and the words "United States" shall be construed to include the said district and territories and all dependencies. See North Carolina General Statutes 12-3
(2) Steps taken by State and non-State entities to meet established goals.
(3) Additional steps proposed or planned to be taken to achieve established goals.
(b) The Secretary may coordinate and contract with other entities to assist in the establishment of standards and preparation of the report. The Secretary may use resources available to implement this section. (2000-67, s. 11.)