North Carolina General Statutes 81A-12. Fee schedule
Terms Used In North Carolina General Statutes 81A-12
- Adjustment: is a n act involving the tightening or loosening, or lengthening or shortening, or movement, of any part of a weighing or measuring device, or the coordination of mechanical action of parts or electronic components with or upon each other, so as to make the weighing or measuring device give correct indications of applied weight or measure values within legal tolerance, and the correctness of indications shall be determined by test provided for under definition of the term "service" as defined in this Chapter. See North Carolina General Statutes 81A-9
- following: when used by way of reference to any section of a statute, shall be construed to mean the section next preceding or next following that in which such reference is made; unless when some other section is expressly designated in such reference. See North Carolina General Statutes 12-3
- Gallon: when used in connection with liquid measure is a unit of 231 cubic inches, of which the liquid quart, liquid pint and gill are, respectively, the quarter, the one-eighth and the one-thirty-second parts. See North Carolina General Statutes 81A-9
- state: when applied to the different parts of the United States, shall be construed to extend to and include the District of Columbia and the several territories, so called; and the words "United States" shall be construed to include the said district and territories and all dependencies. See North Carolina General Statutes 12-3
- Weight: when used in connection with any commodity is net weight; provided, however, where the label declares that the product is sold by drained weight, weight means net drained weight. See North Carolina General Statutes 81A-9
The following fees apply to all weights that are tested and certified to meet tolerances less stringent than the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard E617 Class 4. This includes the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) Class F tolerance. If the weight error exceeds three-fourths of the applicable tolerance, adjustment may be required at an additional fee equal to the normal fee. No extra fee shall be charged for the normal adjustment of a weight cart. Even if weights are rejected or condemned, fees shall be assessed for the test performed.
Even if weights are rejected or condemned, fees shall be assessed for the test performed.
Customary Fee/Unit Metric Fee/Unit
0-10 lb $ 5.00 0-5 kg $ 5.00
11-100 lb $ 10.00 6-50 kg $ 10.00
101-1000 lb $ 20.00 51-500 kg $ 20.00
1001-2500 lb $ 30.00 501-1000 kg $ 30.00
2501-6000 lb $ 50.00 1001-2500 kg $ 50.00
Weight Carts $ 125.00
up to 6000 lb (includes adjustment)
(b) The following fees apply to all weights that are tested and certified to meet ASTM Standard E617 Class 4 or the International Organization of Legal Metrology (IOLM) R111 Class F2 tolerances. If the weight error exceeds three-fourths of the applicable tolerance, adjustment may be required at an additional fee equal to the normal fee. Even if weights are rejected or condemned, fees shall be assessed for the test performed.
Customary Fee/Unit Metric Fee/Unit
0-10 lb $ 10.00 0-5 kg $ 10.00
11-100 lb $ 20.00 6-50 kg $ 20.00
101-1000 lb $ 40.00 51-500 kg $ 40.00
1001-2500 lb $ 60.00 501-1000 kg $ 60.00
2501-6000 lb $ 100.00 1001-2500 kg $ 100.00
(c) The following fees apply to all weights that are calibrated. Calibration means determining actual mass and conventional mass values with an assigned uncertainty specific to the test. If necessary and considered feasible by the metrologist, adjustments to ASTM Class 1, 2, or 3 tolerances or IOLM Class E2, F1, or F2 tolerances may be made for an additional fee of two times the normal fee. Adjustments to weights of this group shall require a minimum of 10 days for weights to return to environmental equilibrium before a final calibration value can be assigned. Even if weights are rejected or condemned, fees shall be assessed for the test performed.
Customary Fee/Unit Metric Fee/Unit
0-20 lb $ 20.00 0-10 kg $ 20.00
21-50 lb $ 40.00 11-30 kg $ 40.00
51-1000 lb $ 70.00 31-500 kg $ 70.00
1001-2500 lb $ 130.00 501-1000 kg $ 130.00
2501-6000 lb $ 200.00 1001-2500 kg $ 200.00
(d) The following fees apply to all weights that are calibrated using NIST weighing designs. These weights are tested in groups (typically either a 1, 2, 3, 5 series or a 1, 2, 2, 5 series) and are subject to the minimum per series fee shown. The best uncertainty possible from the North Carolina Standards Laboratory shall be assigned to the mass values of the weights. If necessary and considered feasible by the metrologist, adjustments to ASTM Class 0, 1, 2, or 3 tolerances or IOLM Class E1, E2, F1, or F2 tolerances may be made for an additional fee of two times the normal fee. Adjustments to weights of this group shall require a minimum of 10 days for weights to return to environmental equilibrium before a final calibration value can be assigned.
Weight Range Fee/Unit or Series
0-1 kg $30.00 each, with a minimum charge of $90.00 (3 weights) per series
2-30 kg $50.00 each, with a minimum charge of $150.00 (3 weights) per series
0-2 lb $30.00 each, with a minimum charge of $90.00 (3 weights) per series
3-50 lb $50.00 each, with a minimum charge of $150.00 (3 weights) per series
(e) The following fees apply to volumetric standard calibration.
Provers or Test Measures Tested By the Volume Transfer Method
Customary Fee/Test Point Metric Fee/Test Point
0-5 gal $30.00 0-20 liters $30.00
Over 5 gal Add $0.40 per each Over 20 liters Add $0.10 per each
additional gallon additional liter
Volumetric Flasks, Graduates, Provers, Slicker Plate Standards, or Test Measures Tested By the Gravimetric Calibration Method
Customary Fee/Test Point Metric Fee/Test Point
0-100 gal set-up fee $50.00 0-500 liters set-up fee $50.00
Calibration Fee Add $2.00 Calibration Fee Add $0.50
per gallon per liter
Small Volume Provers (SVPs) Tested By the Gravimetric Calibration Method
Customary Fee/Test Point Metric Fee/Test Point
0-100 gal set-up fee $100.00 0-500 liters set-up fee $100.00
Calibration Fee Add $2.00 Calibration Fee Add $0.50
per gallon per liter
(f) The following fees apply to tape measures and rigid rules.
Set-Up Fee $40.00 per instrument
Calibration Fee $10.00 per calibration interval
(g) The following fees apply to liquid-in-glass and electronic thermometers.
Set-Up Fee $40.00 per instrument
Calibration Fee $20.00 per calibration point
Resistance Thermometry Coefficient
Calculation and Report $100.00 per instrument
(h) Any special tests or weight cleaning shall be billed at the rate of seventy dollars ($70.00) per hour prorated to the nearest tenth of an hour, with a minimum charge of thirty-five dollars ($35.00).
(i) A minimum charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per invoice shall apply.
(j) If travel is required in connection with the performance of any of these services, the Department shall be reimbursed at the rates provided in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 138-6
(k) The Department may refuse to accept for testing any weight or measure the Department deems unsuited for its intended use.
(l) The fee for tests performed on weights or measures that will be used primarily outside of the State of North Carolina shall be twice the amounts set forth in this section. (2005-276, s. 42.1(i).)