North Dakota Code 20.1-02-23 – Game and fish advisory board – Appointment – Qualifications – Term
The state game and fish advisory board consists of eight members, one from each of the following districts, appointed by the governor:
Terms Used In North Dakota Code 20.1-02-23
- following: when used by way of reference to a chapter or other part of a statute means the next preceding or next following chapter or other part. See North Dakota Code 1-01-49
- State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the territories. See North Dakota Code 1-01-49
- Wildlife: means any member of the animal kingdom including any mammal, fish, bird (including any migratory, nonmigratory, or endangered bird for which protection is also afforded by treaty or other international agreement), amphibian, reptile, mollusk, crustacean, or other invertebrate, and includes any part, product, egg, or offspring thereof, or the dead body or parts thereof. See North Dakota Code 20.1-01-02
- year: means twelve consecutive months. See North Dakota Code 1-01-33
1. District one shall consist of the counties of Divide, McKenzie, and Williams.
2. District two shall consist of the counties of Bottineau, Burke, McHenry, Mountrail, Pierce, Renville, and Ward.
3. District three shall consist of the counties of Benson, Cavalier, Eddy, Ramsey, Rolette, and Towner.
4. District four shall consist of the counties of Grand Forks, Nelson, Pembina, and Walsh.
5. District five shall consist of the counties of Cass, Ransom, Richland, Sargent, Steele, and Traill.
6. District six shall consist of the counties of Barnes, Dickey, Foster, Griggs, LaMoure, Logan, McIntosh, Stutsman, and Wells.
7. District seven shall consist of the counties of Burleigh, Emmons, Grant, Kidder, McLean, Mercer, Morton, Oliver, Sheridan, and Sioux.
8. District eight shall consist of the counties of Adams, Billings, Bowman, Dunn, Golden Valley, Hettinger, Slope, and Stark.
Four members must be bona fide farmers or ranchers and four members must be bona fide sportsmen. Each farmer or rancher appointment must be made from a list of three names submitted by agricultural organizations requested by the governor to submit the list and each sportsman appointment must be made from a list of three names submitted by outdoor, sportsmen, wildlife, and conservation organizations requested by the governor to submit the list. Appointments are for a term of four years from the first day of July of the year of expiration of the basic term, and until a successor has been appointed and qualified. Vacancies occurring other than by the expiration of an appointive term may be filled by appointment for the remainder of the term only. No member of the board may serve longer than two full terms. The members of the advisory board are subject to removal by the governor for cause only. The advisory board shall select from their members a chairman, vice chairman, and secretary who serve in these positions until June thirtieth of the year next following their selection.