The governor may by proclamation provide for a season to hunt bighorn sheep in the manner, number, places, and times as the governor prescribes. Licenses to hunt bighorn sheep must be issued by lottery, except special allocation licenses issued under subsection 1 of section 20.1-05.1-01. Upon payment of the nonrefundable application fee required by section 20.1-03-12.2, a nonresident may participate in the state lottery. One license to hunt bighorn sheep may be issued to a nonresident participating in the state lottery. If a nonresident is issued a license to hunt bighorn sheep, no other nonresident may be issued a license to hunt bighorn sheep through the state lottery. If all of the licenses to hunt bighorn sheep made available through the state lottery are issued to residents, then a nonresident is not eligible to be issued a license to hunt bighorn sheep through the state lottery. Individuals who receive a license through the raffle or auction may not transfer the license. Individuals may participate in the state lottery and the raffle or auction under subsection 4 of section 20.1-05.1-01, but an individual may not receive more than one license in any one year. An individual may only receive one license to hunt bighorn sheep through the state lottery in a lifetime. An individual who has been convicted of illegally taking a moose, elk, or bighorn sheep is not eligible to apply for or receive a license under this section.

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Terms Used In North Dakota Code 20.1-08-04.1

  • Individual: means a human being. See North Dakota Code 1-01-49
  • nonresident: is a ny person who has not actually lived within this state or maintained that person's residence within this state for at least six months immediately preceding the date that residence is to be determined. See North Dakota Code 20.1-01-02
  • State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the territories. See North Dakota Code 1-01-49
  • year: means twelve consecutive months. See North Dakota Code 1-01-33