North Dakota Code 39-04-10.2 – Special plates for mobility-impaired individuals
Current as of: 2023 | Check for updates
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The director may issue, without charge, upon application and payment of the regular license fee, plates marked with the international symbol of accessibility for the mobility impaired, to a motor vehicle owner possessing a parking certificate issued under subsection 4 of section 39-01-15. One set of plates per mobility-impaired individual may be issued to a vehicle the mobility-impaired individual is not listed as the owner of if the vehicle is designated for the exclusive use of transporting that mobility-impaired individual. This section is not applicable to an applicant possessing more than one parking certificate issued under subsection 4 of section 39-01-15.
Terms Used In North Dakota Code 39-04-10.2
- Individual: means a human being. See North Dakota Code 1-01-49