North Dakota Code 54-02-02 – State flag
The flag of North Dakota must consist of a field of blue silk or material which will withstand the elements four feet four inches [132.08 centimeters] on the pike and five feet six inches [167.64 centimeters] on the fly, with a border of knotted yellow fringe two and one-half inches [6.35 centimeters] wide. On each side of said flag in the center thereof, must be embroidered or stamped an eagle with outspread wings and with opened beak. The eagle must be three feet four inches [101.6 centimeters] from tip to tip of wing, and one foot ten inches [55.88 centimeters] from top of head to bottom of olive branch hereinafter described. The left foot of the eagle shall grasp a sheaf of arrows, the right foot shall grasp an olive branch showing three red berries. On the breast of the eagle must be displayed a shield, the lower part showing seven red and six white stripes placed alternately. Through the open beak of the eagle must pass a scroll bearing the words “E Pluribus Unum”. Beneath the eagle there must be a scroll on which must be borne the words “North Dakota”. Over the scroll carried through the eagle’s beak must be shown thirteen five-pointed stars, the whole device being surmounted by a sunburst. The flag must conform in all respects as to color, form, size, and device with the regimental flag carried by the First North Dakota Infantry in the Spanish American War and Philippine Insurrection, except in the words shown on the scroll below the eagle. To ensure historical accuracy, reproductions of the flag of North Dakota must adhere to the official design and industry color chart codes provided by the state historical society. A description in writing of the flag must be made available to the public by the state historical society. Flags purchased by a state entity or a political subdivision must substantially meet the requirements of this section. This section does not apply to the purchase of an item that is not a flag but which portrays a likeness of the flag of North Dakota, for example, a miniature flag, food, clothing, a lapel pin, a paper product, or other nonflag item.
Terms Used In North Dakota Code 54-02-02
- paper: means any flexible material upon which it is usual to write. See North Dakota Code 1-01-27
- State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the territories. See North Dakota Code 1-01-49