North Dakota Code 54-44.3-03 – State personnel board – Composition – Terms – Vacancies – Qualifications
1. The state personnel board is composed of the director, who must be the chairman of the board; one member appointed by the governor; two members elected by employees classified under sections 54-44.3-19 and 54-44.3-20; and one member with a professional human resource background appointed by the governor.
Terms Used In North Dakota Code 54-44.3-03
- Person: means an individual, organization, government, political subdivision, or government agency or instrumentality. See North Dakota Code 1-01-49
- State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the territories. See North Dakota Code 1-01-49
2. The term of each member of the board, except the director, must be for six years. The director’s term coincides with employment as director. Any permanent vacancy in office must be filled by the eligible person who received the next highest vote total in the previous election. If the eligible person is not available for the unexpired term the permanent vacancy in office must be filled in the same manner as the selection of the person vacating the office.
3. Each member of the board must be a resident of the state for at least sixty days and must be known to be in sympathy with the application of merit principles to public employment. No member of the board may have held a position in a political party within four years immediately preceding the member’s appointment or election to the board, and those members of the board elected by classified employees must be full-time employees in good standing of the classified service.