North Dakota Code 57-61-02 – When tax due – When delinquent
The severance tax as provided in this chapter is due within twenty-five days after the end of each month, and if not received by the twenty-fifth day, becomes delinquent and must be collected as herein provided. The tax commissioner, upon request and a proper showing of the necessity therefor, may grant an extension of time, not to exceed fifteen days, for paying the tax, and when such a request is granted, the tax is not delinquent until the extended period has expired. The tax commissioner shall require a report to be filed monthly by each owner or operator of a coal or commercial leonardite mine, in such form as the tax commissioner may specify, to list a full description of the mine, the number of tons of coal or commercial leonardite severed, the amount of tax due and remitted, and any other information deemed necessary by the tax commissioner for the proper administration of this chapter.