(A) The division of industrial compliance within the department of commerce may renew a license issued under section 4785.04 of the Revised Code if the licensee does all of the following:

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Terms Used In Ohio Code 4785.041

  • Another: when used to designate the owner of property which is the subject of an offense, includes not only natural persons but also every other owner of property. See Ohio Code 1.02
  • Elevator: means a conveyance defined as an elevator in the elevators and escalators safety code. See Ohio Code 4785.01
  • Elevator contractor: means any business entity that has been issued an elevator contractor's license under this chapter and that is engaged in the business of providing conveyance services. See Ohio Code 4785.01
  • Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.

(1) Submits an application for license renewal on a form prescribed by the division;

(2) Pays the license renewal fee established by the division;

(3) If the licensee is an elevator mechanic, submits evidence that the applicant has completed the continuing education coursework described in division (B) of this section;

(4) If the license is an elevator contractor‘s license, submits proof that the applicant is in compliance with the insurance requirements prescribed in section 4785.07 of the Revised Code.

(B) The continuing education courses described in division (A)(3) of this section shall:

(1) Instruct licensees on new and existing rules and standards adopted by the division;

(2) Consist of not less than eight hours of instruction;

(3) Be attended and completed within one year immediately preceding the scheduled date for the license renewal;

(4) Be taught by instructors through continuing education providers approved by the division.

(C) A continuing education instructor who holds a license under this chapter is exempt from the continuing education requirement prescribed in division (A)(3) of this section, provided that any such applicant was qualified as an instructor at any time during the year immediately preceding the scheduled date for the license renewal.

(D)(1) A licensee who is unable to complete the continuing education coursework required under this section before the expiration of the licensee’s license due to a temporary disability may apply for a temporary continuing education waiver from the division.

(2) An application for a temporary continuing education waiver shall be made in a form prescribed by the division, which shall be signed by the applicant under the penalty of perjury and accompanied by a certified statement from a competent physician attesting to the temporary disability. If the division grants the waiver, the licensee’s license does not expire but is placed on inactive status.

(3) On the termination of the temporary disability, the licensee shall submit to the division a certified statement from the same physician, if practicable, attesting to the termination of the temporary disability. The division shall then take the licensee’s license off inactive status and shall issue a waiver sticker, valid for ninety days, to the licensee and affix the sticker to the license. The licensee may then perform the tasks the license authorizes the licensee to perform but the licensee shall meet the continuing education requirement during this ninety-day period or be considered to have not met the continuing education requirement and the license shall be deemed to be expired.

(E)(1) Approved continuing education providers shall keep uniform records, for a period of ten years, of attendance of licensees in a format approved by the division. Such records shall be available for inspection by the division on request.

(2) Approved training providers are responsible for the security of all attendance records and certificates of completion, provided, however, that falsifying or knowingly allowing another to falsify such attendance records or certificates of completion constitutes grounds for suspension or revocation of a continuing education provider’s division approval.

(F) The division shall not renew the license of an individual or entity if the individual or entity would be denied an initial license for a reason listed in division (E) of section 4785.04 of the Revised Code.

Last updated March 21, 2023 at 3:41 PM