2013 Oregon Statutes 210.190 – Limitations on allowance of claims
No demand shall be allowed by a county accountant in favor of:
(1) Any corporation or person in any manner indebted to the county, except for taxes not delinquent, without first deducting the amount of any indebtedness of which the accountant has notice.
(2) Any person having the collection, custody or disbursement of the public funds, unless the account of the person has been presented, passed upon, approved and allowed.
(3) Any officer who has neglected to make official returns or reports in the manner and at the time required by law or the requirements of the board of county commissioners.
(4) Any officer who has neglected to comply with any provision of law regulating the duties of the officer.
(5) Any officer or employee for time absent without legal cause from the duties of such officer or employee during office hours. The accountant must always examine on oath any person receiving a salary from the county touching such absence. [Amended by 1981 c.216 § 9; 1983 c.310 § 10]