§ 365-l. Health homes. 1. Notwithstanding any law, rule or regulation to the contrary, the commissioner of health is authorized, in consultation with the commissioners of the office of mental health, office of alcoholism and substance abuse services, and office for people with developmental disabilities, to (a) establish, in accordance with applicable federal law and regulations, standards for the provision of health home services to Medicaid enrollees with chronic conditions, (b) establish payment methodologies for health home services based on factors including but not limited to the complexity of the conditions providers will be managing, the anticipated amount of patient contact needed to manage such conditions, and the health care cost savings realized by provision of health home services, (c) establish the criteria under which a Medicaid enrollee will be designated as being an eligible individual with chronic conditions for purposes of this program, (d) assign any Medicaid enrollee designated as an eligible individual with chronic conditions to a provider of health home services.

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Terms Used In N.Y. Social Services Law 365-L

  • Amendment: A proposal to alter the text of a pending bill or other measure by striking out some of it, by inserting new language, or both. Before an amendment becomes part of the measure, thelegislature must agree to it.
  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.

2. In addition to payments made for health home services pursuant to subdivision one of this section, the commissioner is authorized to pay additional amounts to providers of health home services that meet process or outcome standards specified by the commissioner. Such additional amounts may be paid with state funds only if federal financial participation for such payments is unavailable.

2-a. Up to fifteen million dollars in state funding may be used to fund health home infrastructure development. Such funds shall be used to develop enhanced systems to support Health Home operations including assignments, workflow, and transmission of data. Funding will also be disbursed pursuant to a formula established by the commissioner to be designated health homes. Such formula may consider prior access to similar funding opportunities, geographic and demographic factors, including the population served, and prevalence of qualifying conditions, connectivity to providers, and other criteria as established by the commissioner.

2-b. The commissioner is authorized to make lump sum payments or adjust rates of payment to providers up to a gross amount of five million dollars, to establish coordination between the health homes and the criminal justice system and for the integration of information of health homes with state and local correctional facilities, to the extent permitted by law. Such rate adjustments may be made to health homes participating in a criminal justice pilot program with the purpose of enrolling incarcerated individuals with serious mental illness, two or more chronic conditions, including substance abuse disorders, or HIV/AIDS, into such health home. Health homes receiving funds under this subdivision shall be required to document and demonstrate the effective use of funds distributed herein.

2-c. The commissioner is authorized to make grants up to a gross amount of one million dollars for certified application counselors and assistors to facilitate the enrollment of persons in high risk populations, including but not limited to persons with mental health and/or substance abuse conditions that have been recently discharged or are pending release from state and local correctional facilities. Funds allocated for certified application counselors and assistors shall be expended through a request for proposal process.

2-d. The commissioner shall establish reasonable targets for health home participation by enrollees of special needs managed care plans designated pursuant to subdivision four of section three hundred sixty-five-m of this title and by high-risk enrollees of other Medicaid managed care plans operating pursuant to section three hundred sixty-four-j of this title, and shall encourage both the managed care providers and the health homes to work collaboratively with each other to achieve such targets. The commissioner may assess penalties under this subdivision in instances of failure to meet the participation targets established pursuant to this subdivision, where the department has determined that such failure reflected the absence of a good faith and reasonable effort to achieve the participation targets, except that managed care providers shall not be penalized for the failure of a health home to work collaboratively toward meeting the participation targets and a health home shall not be penalized for the failure of a managed care provider to work collaboratively toward meeting the participation targets.

3. Until such time as the commissioner obtains necessary waivers and/or approvals of the federal social security act, Medicaid enrollees assigned to providers of health home services will be allowed to opt out of such services. In addition, upon enrollment, an enrollee shall be offered an option of at least two providers of health home services, to the extent practicable.

4. Payments authorized pursuant to this section will be made with state funds only, to the extent that such funds are appropriated therefore, until such time as federal financial participation in the costs of such services is available.

5. The commissioner is authorized to submit amendments to the state plan for medical assistance and/or submit one or more applications for waivers of the federal social security act, to obtain federal financial participation in the costs of health home services provided pursuant to this section, and as provided in subdivision three of this section.

6. Notwithstanding any limitations imposed by section three hundred sixty-four-l of this title on entities participating in demonstration projects established pursuant to such section, the commissioner is authorized to allow such entities which meet the requirements of this section to provide health home services.

7. Notwithstanding any law, rule, or regulation to the contrary, the commissioners of the department of health, the office of mental health, the office for people with developmental disabilities, and the office of alcoholism and substance abuse services are authorized to jointly establish a single set of operating and reporting requirements and a single set of construction and survey requirements for entities that:

(a) can demonstrate experience in the delivery of health, and mental health and/or alcohol and substance abuse services and/or services to persons with developmental disabilities, and the capacity to offer integrated delivery of such services in each location approved by the commissioner; and

(b) meet the standards established pursuant to subdivision one of this section for providing and receiving payment for health home services; provided, however, that an entity meeting the standards established pursuant to subdivision one of this section shall not be required to be an integrated service provider pursuant to this subdivision.

In establishing a single set of operating and reporting requirements and a single set of construction and survey requirements for entities described in this subdivision, the commissioners of the department of health, the office of mental health, the office for people with developmental disabilities, and the office of alcoholism and substance abuse services are authorized to waive any regulatory requirements as are necessary to avoid duplication of requirements and to allow the integrated delivery of services in a rational and efficient manner.

8. (a) The commissioner of health is authorized to contract with one or more entities to assist the state in implementing the provisions of this section. Such entity or entities shall be the same entity or entities chosen to assist in the implementation of the multipayor patient centered medical home program pursuant to § 2959-a of the public health law. Responsibilities of the contractor shall include but not be limited to: developing recommendations with respect to program policy, reimbursement, system requirements, reporting requirements, evaluation protocols, and provider and patient enrollment; providing technical assistance to potential medical home and health home providers; data collection; data sharing; program evaluation, and preparation of reports.

(b) Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of sections one hundred twelve and one hundred sixty-three of the state finance law, or § 142 of the economic development law, or any other law, the commissioner of health is authorized to enter into a contract or contracts under paragraph (a) of this subdivision without a competitive bid or request for proposal process, provided, however, that:

(i) The department of health shall post on its website, for a period of no less than thirty days:

(1) A description of the proposed services to be provided pursuant to the contract or contracts;

(2) The criteria for selection of a contractor or contractors;

(3) The period of time during which a prospective contractor may seek selection, which shall be no less than thirty days after such information is first posted on the website; and

(4) The manner by which a prospective contractor may seek such selection, which may include submission by electronic means;

(ii) All reasonable and responsive submissions that are received from prospective contractors in timely fashion shall be reviewed by the commissioner of health; and

(iii) The commissioner of health shall select such contractor or contractors that, in his or her discretion, are best suited to serve the purposes of this section.

9. The contract entered into by the commissioner of health prior to January first, two thousand thirteen pursuant to subdivision eight of this section may be amended or modified without the need for a competitive bid or request for proposal process, and without regard to the provisions of sections one hundred twelve and one hundred sixty-three of the state finance law, § 142 of the economic development law, or any other provision of law, excepting the responsible vendor requirements of the state finance law, including, but not limited to, sections one hundred sixty-three and one hundred thirty-nine-k of the state finance law, to allow the purchase of additional personnel and services, subject to available funding, for the limited purpose of assisting the department of health with implementing the Balancing Incentive Program, the Fully Integrated Duals Advantage Program, the Vital Access Provider Program, the Medicaid waiver amendment associated with the public hospital transformation, the addition of behavioral health services as a managed care plan benefit, the delivery system reform incentive payment plan, activities to facilitate the transition of vulnerable populations to managed care and/or any workgroups required to be established by the chapter of the laws of two thousand thirteen that added this subdivision. The department is authorized to extend such contract for a period of one year, without a competitive bid or request for proposal process, upon determination that the existing contractor is qualified to continue to provide such services; provided, however, that the department of health shall submit a request for applications for such contract during the time period specified in this subdivision and may terminate the contract identified herein prior to expiration of the extension authorized by this subdivision.